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A Farewell to Rihannsu

“I understand you're leaving us, Ambassador?”


Ori'Na N'Kedre had heard that phrase more times than she'd ever thought possible in the period of a few hours. In a way, it was comforting to know that her contemporaries cared enough to even check with her about her eminent departure, but from the other side of the coin...she'd hoped to slip back to Romulus with as little fanfare as possible to avoid anyone lifting their eyebrows at her government's decision to recall their senior ambassador from the Quadrant.


Packing her material possessions into crates she sighed heavily. Things were not looking promising on that front, in fact they were looking as promising as the situation at the homesun. In the period of three years, they'd had two Preators assassinated, the Tal'Shiar had awakened from the shadows and moved more boldly than she could ever remember, there were rumors of their collusion with some outside force...


Her spine tingled and she felt a burning at her conscience. She knew that the Tal'Shiar was meddling in the darkest of places, not from rumor, but first hand experience. Her and her husband, Senator D'Lvon N'Dak had been busy helping them in their plans until her honor could suffer no more affront to it and she'd rebelled.


In retrospect, that had been a mistake. For her...disloyalty, her husband had nearly been killed. He had to pay a considerable bribe to the Tal'Shiar to keep them from killing the lot of them, but her honor did remain...mostly.


Now things were moving considerably faster. A new Praetor would soon be installed, and rumors were swirling of that it would be a Tal'Shiar loyalist. To say nothing of reports of increased Tal'Shiar actions against Rihannsu.


The whole situation had her preturbed. First the Empire wanted a strong foothold in the quadrant, now they didn't even want a sizable presence...all but abandoning the small colony on Avalon and pulling all but three warbirds from the defense of the station. Although she wondered if that was the Galae taking a precaution not to have to many of it's resources in the quadrant...should the rumors she heard come true.


Glancing once more out the window she sighed deeply. "Bedah, Camelot."

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