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EJ Pilot

Personal Log - Reminiscing

====Start Personal Log====

Stardate: 0712.30


As I get used to what I call my new home; the “Excalibur-C” I still wonder would I rather be on Earth aka Sector 001 at Starfleet Medical. But as I gather my thoughts I then realize my place is on this ship. Everything would seem different not seeing certain officers and my colleagues on daily basis as I do now. It would be awkward to say the least. I would never think about leaving my ship or crew especially now since everyone needs everyone if that makes sense. I enjoy my position or job aboard this fine vessel. I mean I do get into with some, such as Laarell on the bridge that day but I can’t be mad at a Orion woman, they’re so beautiful even if they are green. I respect her though. Then our Pet-like Command Staff animal people, JoNs so much love and respect for her. Then Corizon, I wish I had a Doggie whistle sometimes, just sometimes. I am pretty sure its some medication he can be given to make his ability to act nicer come out more, but still be a stern Captain of the number 1 ship in the fleet.


I do sometimes miss my previous friends/colleagues, but I can’t expect them to stay onboard and hold their careers back to just be around me. That would be selfish of myself. [My human side is coming out]

Brianna Zion was an excellent CMO in her time here on Excalibur, As was Ms. Elaine Delgado who was also an exemplarily CMO. Then once they were gone it was my turn. I sometimes feel as if I am messing up and being more Assistant-like rather more Chief-like. But I’m working on it, I have to. My crew, Captain, Commander, and officers of this fine vessel are counting on me. I will begin to try harder everyday. I know I can do it. It may seem as a struggle at first, but I will overcome and I will come out on top rather than the assistant state of mind coming out on top.

End Log.


::sips his last drip of coffee and sets in the recycler and moves to the sonic shower::

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