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LeftEar JoNs

"Command Chat"


USS Excalibur NCC-2004 B

“Command Chat”


Left Ear JoNs paused just outside the private quarters, and then decided since she had gone this far, she might as well go all the way. The feline exec needed to know what was really going on, and chimed for entrance to the Captains quarters.


Looking up from his drink and the book on his lap, Corizon leveled a glare at door. If it were another little officer coming to complain...he was going to skin them alive and make some new rugs for the place. "Come," he said, almost barking.


JoNs entered the inner sanctum of her commanding officer, immediately adopting a relaxed parade rest. "Apologies sir, but I want to talk to you - off the record." Her tail swished idly, and the alcohol had calmed her down a bit from her earlier agitated state.


"Are you drunk?" He said, sniffing the air and going back to his own drink.


"What I do when off duty is my own business Captain. Besides, it isn't as if I'll imbibe, go to the bridge, and then belch out loud." The feline cocked her head to one side.


Corizon grinned just wide enough for his fangs to show before motioning to a seat nearby. "No need to get defensive, it was just a question. Not like I am one to talk," he said as he put the amber-colored liquid to his lips. "So, you want to talk?"


The brown furred Caitian took the offered seat and considered Corizon. "You realize that felines by nature are nosy?"


"Curiosity," he said flatly. "You know what the humans say about it?"


The feline commander merely squinted at the canine captain, and then sighed. "Look, sir - off the record, just what the hell are we really doing going off after some device to locate the Founders? Who's backing this little jaunt? And don't tell me it’s on a need to know basis."


Leaning back, Corizon looked at her for a few moments, taking another drink. "You do realize that you might be getting into something you're not ready for?"


"A little late for regrets now - we've already shipped out. Look Captain, I'll be blunt; I can do my job, no problem, I'd just like a little more information, if only to 'play dumb' if one of the department heads asks me 'so - what are we doing again?'"


Considering again, he took another drink and set it down. "We're out here because they thought throwing me bone," he said, stopping to smirk at his bad pun, "would keep me busy and get me the hell out of their hair."


"They as in Starfleet, and so this mission to find the Founders is a milk run?"


"They as in certain elements of Starfleet."


"Oh, wonderful. Certain elements as in shadow organizations? Wait, no, don't tell me - ignorance is bliss. So, we are gallivanting around out here at the behest of said shadow organization? And are we truly looking to find the Founders, or no?" The brown furred Caitians tail had begun to lash a bit, her former agitation coming to the surface again.


"We're looking for them," he said. "Honestly, do you want to see the Hundred running the Dominion?"


"Not particularly sir, no." Another tail swish. "But we can't entirely trust the Founders now can we? They are responsible for killing hundreds with their Vorta commanders and Jem Hadar enforcers....you served in the war, as did I! And we're looking for the Founders? That is a load Captain."


"You don't have to remind me," he said sharply. "I spent nearly a month under the hostage of a Gul Mahet under orders of a Vorta..." There was a sudden distance about the Dameon. His face seemed vacant, as if thinking about something entirely different than the conversation at hand.


"And I got my tail shot off I don't know how many times during piloting skirmishes and bombing runs!" With an effort, Left Ear pulled back. "...not the same situation as being held against your will though..."


"Trust me," his voice remained vacant, "this isn't a battle you want to fight." He stopped again, blinking a few times and looking back at her. "Listen, I am not exactly thrilled about helping them find their 'gods,' either. But I made Taenix and Weyoun a promise..."


JoNs as well had started to go vacant, more so from the alcohol then a lapse of memory. "Weyoun, one of the chief Vorta lieutenants during the war. I'd like to get that little so and so alone in a room. Five minutes...that’s all" The feline shook her head to chase away the mental demons and then regarded Corizon. "We are undertaking this due to a promise? I see. How much lee way do we have with this mission op Captain, and if this whole search gets fragged six ways from Sundown, do you and I get tied to the whipping post?"


"They helped us at the wormhole," he said. "If it doesn't work, it doesn't work...”


"And if it does work out, then Starfleet gains allies in the form of the Vorta and their masters the Founders?"


"I'd hope..." Though he didn't seem exactly sure.


Left Ear pointedly ignored the hesitation. "Fine. Captain? I'm your Exec, and I thank you for the appointment and I'll back you in this endeavor, but let me make one thing clear - I don’t plan on rolling over like a dog. I'll make my opinion known whenever I feel it’s warranted." With that said, the feline walked over to where the canine sat, and offered a paw. "Sir. Thank you for your time."



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