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"Pedal To The Metal Commander"

Pedal To The Metal Commander


Personal log: Eagle,James,T.,Lt.Jg.,Tactical Officer: U.S.S. Arcadia

Computer begin recording:..whir,bleep..


The ship is running silent, All future communications have been locked down by order of Cmdr.Alces. I fully understand and agree with his actions given the situation we have found this ship and crew in once again.


We had finally egressed from the starless void that had us entrapped previously. This small miracle was wrought about by the intense and excellent interdepartmental work applied in the dire times recently. Upon the exit into clear space I think the entire ships crew breathed a sigh of relief. The crew was as well faced with the dilemmas of having an insane Xo, And a missing CO. The latter situation was no doubt directly connected to the Captains "Friend" involment.


I as well the CSEC were in close quarters communication with Commander Alces on the bridge as the search for the CO proved to be fruitless. One could obviously discern from the features of the Commanders face ; the conflict he was going through,His duty to the ship and crew and the personal duty to his friend and Commanding officer Capt.Dacotah.


The tactical console linked to the main viewer made it exceedingly clear should we stay in our position ,Keep looking for the Capt. and debating the possibilities of a return attempt to find her our opportunity was becoming trapped again more imminent.

The Csec Lt.Cmdr. Marx agreed the best interest and duty to the ship and crew came first though he is the Captains step brother. The emotions involving his own concern were just as revealed in the discussion.


The Commander reluctantly made the right command decision and ordered to get underway again,this eventually led to our escape presumably back into some place in the known space recorded in Fleet charts. The ship emerged and was in contact with a Star Base. Apparently all was well, That is until subtle changes were noted and found to be quite starting in nature.


The data clearly indicates we did emerge into Federation space, However which Federation space indeed,An alternate timeline perhaps,or an alternate parallel universe all together. The Commander upon validation of the data ordered us to begin a high warp trip to a system that apparently was the location of us as well, Us meaning another Arcadia that has been overdue to report in from type of diplomatic mission. The odd thing was the alternate ship had been sending out or squawking the ships emergency beacon as well as escape pods beacons.


Our Ceng Sam and his miracle workers dept. had successfully brought the ships propulsion systems back online as the Commander ordered me to put the pedal to the medal, Indicating his desire for max warp effort. I complied by way of the link to the automated helm link we had established.


This mission is strange indeed as it indicates an urgent need to extricate ourselves and return to our own time/continuum as soon as possible. The comments from Cmdr. Alces seem to really hammer the fact home should we fail at this the ship by some type of spacial paradox may cease to exist,"go poof" is the term I think he spoke to Sam as the relating of urgency to get to that ship as soon as possible.


Taking up the Tactical scans on LR was beginning to reveal some amazing data. The sensors and data are not real clear at this time due to the extreme range we are at. The data has confirmed though another Arcadia that had been under attack and literally appears to look akin to Swiss cheese, I should as well mention the IP appears to be well within Romulan Star Empires known space.


The term Glorious Strife comes even more to mind at this time and explains a deluge of questions as it pertains to the journeys of this fine ship and crew. The term has made a permanent answer to my initial wonder at explanation of the meaning as it seems we have been in a strife filled situation since I became a member of this crew. Computer end recording: Bleep...

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