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Guest Laarell

"The Attempt at Farewell"

"They didn't."


"They did."


"You didn't."


"You resigned from the job, and destroyed your former office?"


A mechanical shrug, and Kahrak chuckled wheezily. "I was hungry."


"Dear," Laarell corrected, "we don't eat the furniture. Where were your granite crumbles?"


"Home. Oh, hells, Laarell, you know I couldn't be stuck at that gruesome desk in San Francisco. Just like they couldn't keep you tied to the brats."


"This makes no sense. You were lauded and important at Geological. Promoted and proud. How in the names of the gods you're a lieutenant again..."


"I told you before. Unlike yours, my rank was temporary. As was the position."


"And your office?" the Orion prodded.


"It needed to be redecorated anyway."


"Well, then..." Laarell sighed, finishing her nth moving project of the calendar year. "I suppose this is goodbye, Kahrak." She smiled, ruefully. "I don't think anyone wants an extra rock on the ship when we ship out. Weight restrictions and all that."


"Extra rock? Of course not." He made no move to part or offer farewell, and Laarell blinked at him.


"Aren't going to wish me luck?"


"Who said I'm going anywhere? You really don't look at your roster very often."


She blinked again, and with decided movements, sat down. "No."


"I requested it, the spot was open, and Starfleet said yes."




"Yes," the Horta replied calmly. "Consider this me reporting for duty."


"Don't I have to approve you?"


"You already did."


Laarell stared at him. "I didn't... is that why my communique inbox was open earlier? You little..."


"Conniving rock? Yes, well, I didn't want to take any chances."


"Go -- go. You're getting spider duty for the rest of the month to pay for me letting you in the department."


Kahrak's mechanical voice chuckled. "Citrus likes me."


"Out," said she, and the Horta kept chuckling all the way to the lift.



Edited by Laarell

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