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Catching Up

"Catching Up"

a Kassem and Prell production




Prell entered his quarters, pulling off his uniform jacket as he passed by his couch. He tossed the jacket on a table and slumped onto the couch, rubbing his face in exhaustion. Sleep wasn't coming to him as easily or often enough since he returned to the ship, and it was taking a toll.


Kairi quietly walked down the halls. This wasn't her deck, but she needed to talk to someone, and he was as good as any. She stood at Prell's door and pressed the chime.


Javin looked up at his door at the sound. Frowning, he hoped he hadn't invited anyone over, and forgotten in his tired state. He stood up and straightened his shirt. "Enter!"


She slowly entered the room, looking at her former chief. "Am I bothering you?"


He shook his head, putting a smiled on his face. "Not at all Kairi, come on in."


Kairi stepped all the way into his quarters, letting the door close behind her. She noticed the tossed jacket on the table. "I'm sorry...I am disturbing you aren't I? Were you going to bed?" She turned to head back to the exit.


"No no, it's okay." He walked towards her, touching her shoulder. "I could use some company right now."


She looked at his hand on her shoulder and turned to face him. "Oh...ok..." Stepping away from the door, she moved over to the couch and took a seat. "I need to talk to you."


Javin took a seat on the other side of the couch and smiled at her. "Shoot."


Kairi seemed to have a permanent frown on her face for the moment. "You remember Harry right?"


Javin nodded. "Beta shift, he's the who caused this whole latest problem?"


She nodded. "Yes. I tried to find out why he did it. I even tried talking to him."


He shifted his weight, looking at her. "And?"


Her frown seemed to get worse. "He snapped at me..."


His frown matched hers. "That's not like Harry."


"I know...but I think I know why...Do you remember Jim? He died a few months ago..."


Javin thought back. "When we came through that wormhole to Perseus."


"No, he was killed when most of the crew was abducted for those gladiator games. He was killed by one of the marines..."


Javin sighed, and looked down. "I was with the half that was left on board....and I vanished soon after that."


Kairi rested her head on the back of the couch, looking at Javin. "Jim and Harry were pretty close friends. I think that's part of why he lashed out at the marines."


He nodded, looking at her. "Might be."


She sighed, "When did it come to this? I never would have imagined one of our engineers could be capable of these things."


He shifted again, moving a bit closer. "It's not something you could imagine anyone you know ever doing."


"I know..." Her voice wavered a bit. "It's just hard."


Javin put a hand on hers. "I know... nothing's been easy since Versailles."


"Yeah...We've lost too much." Kairi looked at Prell, finally breaking her frown for the first time since she got here. "I really am glad you are back...Sorry I haven't said so till now."


He smiled. "Thank you." He paused. "I'm glad they chose you to carry on."


She blushed a little. "I was just doing my job."


"Well, you must have done something bad enough to have gotten the promotion and all the paperwork." He grinned.


Kairi finally laughed. "At least I have a nice office."


Javin scowled. "And I was just starting to like it


"I bet you have a nicer office now."


He grinned. "Yeah, the bridge does have it's perks."


"How are you liking your new job?"


Javin shrugged. "For a glorified version of a receptionist, its ok." He winked.


She smiled sweetly at him. "Well you are always welcome to visit us in engineering from time to time. Some of the team would like that."


He smiled. "I'll make a point of it." He moved his leg. "So, catch me up on the gossip I missed while I was gone." He grinned.


"Well..." Kairi spent what seemed like an hour, filling Prell in on all that had gone on since he disappeared. Not once did it come to her that she ask what had happened to him.


But Prell didn't mind that, He had told and retold his tale to what seemed like almost half the crew now, and it was getting tiresome. He smiled. "This is better than reading over ship's logs..."


Kairi smiled at him. "It's always better to talk with friends."


He nodded. "Where would we be without friends?"



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