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Marius Tr'Lorin

"Returning Home"

Personal Log: Marius Tr'Lorin



Stardate: 0711.27


::Record Initiated::


The shuttlecraft touched down on the grass lawn, emitting a soft hiss as the door opened. Marius stepped off, looked around, breathed in deeply. Home. What a wonderful place to be. It was just as he remembered it, with the black roof, and large, beautiful windows, and majestic, red-brown brick walls. The garden seemed more lively if anything, greener and more beautiful. 'I guess mom is on a good luck streak,' Marius thought, and smirked to himself. Their family could never support a garden longer than 3 months.


He began walking toward the house, looking for signs of his parents where-abouts. He had last spoken to them years ago, right before he left for the gamma quadrant. He would've called them once he had arrived back to Earth, but things were pretty hectic. He sighed, wondering how his fellow shipmates were doing.


Marius reached the doorstep, and rang the old-fashioned doorbell. He twiddled his thumbs,a habit he'd picked up somewhere on the Excalibur, and looked around at the house again, when suddenly he began to feel uneasy. Something seemed... different, about the house. It obviously was different a little after so many years away, but there was something odd about it... Like the house had changed too much.


Suddenly, the door opened, and Marius looked back down, and stopped, shocked. Rather than his welcoming mother opening the door, he found someone younger opening the door. Much younger.


A woman, not much younger than Marius himself, stood at the doorway, looking curiously back at Marius's shocked face. "Can I help you sir?"


Marius stood there for a moment in confused silence. "I...um...is this... I mean...?"


The woman's face suddenly lit up with comprehension. "Ohhh. You must be Marius tr'Lorin? They told me this might possibly happen. Come in, we can sit in the living room, I'll explain everything there."


Stunned, Marius gave a small nod and walked quietly to the living room. He looked around, where everything seemed the same, yet so different. He could tell it was the same room, yet it was in a different light.


He sat down in an unfamiliar chair, in a familiar room, which was quickly becoming unfamiliar as well. The young woman sat down opposite him. "So, I guess you wondering a lot... I guess I'll start at the beginning. My name is Brooke, and I bought this house about half a year ago. Your parents are no longer here."


I sighed, half in relief, half in regret how things had changed. "Ok then. So, do you know where I can find my parents?"


Looking at Brooke's face, my relief soon disappeared again. "Well, it's complicated. The local security department told me about this when I bought this home, in case you'd show up here without knowing what happened. You see, your parents had gone on vacation to Caldos II. They were cruising around the planet in a shuttle, when the shuttle suddenly exploded. Your parents are dead."




::Record Terminated::


To be Continued...

Edited by Marius Tr'Lorin

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I sighed, half in relief, half in regret how things had changed. "Ok then. So, do you know where I can find my parents?"


Looking at Brooke's face, my relief soon disappeared again. "Well, it's complicated. The local security department told me about this when I bought this home, in case you'd show up here without knowing what happened. You see, your parents had gone on vacation to Caldos II. They were cruising around the planet in a shuttle, when the shuttle suddenly exploded. Your parents are dead."

::Record Terminated::


Umm damn Marius! That was kinda brutal...lmao

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