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Alexander Zier

"Second Helpings"

"Second Helpings"

a Kassem and Zier Production




Maria was quietly sitting on the dock for the creek that was near her Indiana home. Her feet were dangling in the cool waters. She wasn't expecting Alex and Martin for another hour, and all she could think about was if Alex had told Martin.


Martin came up quietly behind Maria, having been told by his grandmother-to-be where the creek was that he had once seen in a holodeck. "Wow. It's just like the holodeck..." He looked at Maria, who had turned around, surprised. "Hi," he said, just a tad shy-like.


Maria smiled, noticing the shyness of Martin. Reaching out, she grabbed his hand. "Hi Martin. How was your trip here? I wasn't expecting you yet."


He smiled, sitting down next to her. "It was good. Dad left early from San Fwancisco, he wanted to surprise everyone."


She hugged him. "Well it was a nice suprise."


He looked up at her as they pulled away from their hug, still smiling. His eyes wandered around the area, then down to his lap, where he twiddled his fingers. It was clear he was thinking about a lot, and he didn't know what to say at the moment.


Maria noticed how he was reacting to her. This wasn't like him. Then she figured out what it could be. Placing a hand on his twiddling fingers, she smiled. "Your father told you what was going on?"


Martin nodded.


"And, aren't you going to tell me how you feel?"


Alex came up, and leaned against a tree, well behind them, waiting to see what would happen. Martin looked up and sighed a little sigh. "I like you Dr. Maria, but, I dunno, it'd be a little weird to think that you could be my mom. It'd be a lot different than just having a dad, and, and you're way too cool to be a mommy!" He giggled a bit.


She laughed, placing a gentle hand on the side of the boys face. "Well even moms can be cool. And I'd really like to be your mom, Martin."


He smiled, and moved a bit closer to her. "Ok, you and Dad can get married."


Maria hugged Martin, kissing the top of his head. "Thank you. You don't know how much it means to hear you say that."


The boy looked up at her, and his smile grew wider. "So when does my little sister come?"


A little taken back by the blunt question, she grinned. Alex had obviously told him that as well. "Not for a while Martin. But don't worry. Your baby sister will be here before you know it."


Before Martin could say a word, Alex came in and sat down next to him, opposite of Maria. "Here you two are. " He winked. "Was I not invited to this little pow-wow?" He grinned, rustling Martin's hair.


Martin giggled. "Hey dad! Guess what?"


Alex looked at him, "What's that, Martin?"


"I decided you two can get married." The little Zier giggled some more.


Maria grinned, running a hand through Martin's hair. "He sure did."


Alex laughed. "Yes sir, thank you sir!" He leaned over and kissed Maria.


She slowly kissed him back. Maria then smiled. "We were just talking about Martin's baby sister."


Alex smiled. "I was going to wait till we were together before we told you Martin, but I guess I was too excited." He stuck his tongue out, winking at Maria.


Maria gently grabbed Martin's hand. "Would you like to feel her?"


Martin nodded, his eyes widening a bit. "Yes!"


She placed his hand on her tummy, slowly guiding it along. She then looked up at Alex, taking his hand, putting it on Martin's.


Alex smiled as the three of them sat there quietly, feeling closer to each other every passing moment. The different feelings they were all radiating were so intense, he couldn't help but sigh in happiness. His eyes met Maria's.


A sweet smile came across her face as she looked from Martin to Alex. She then realized the time. "Oh it's getting late. Mom is fixing dinner, and I heard she was making apple pie."


Martin grinned. "Yum! I want TWO slices!"


Alex laughed. "Well see sport. Dinner first."


Maria smiled at both of them. "Well help me up and we can go eat."


Alex got up and offered a hand to both of them. "Lead on, mom." He winked.


With their help, she slowly got to her feet. She then held onto Martin's hand as they made their way through the cornfields and eventually to the farmhouse. Thomas Kassem greeted the trio as they got to the door.


"Come on, Mom's got dinner ready, fried chicken with fixin's." He smiled, giving his daughter a hug. "And don't worry, she made rabbit food for you sweetheart. Though with a little one on the way, you should start eating meat."


Maria laughed. "Not a chance Dad."


Alex smiled at the exchange, nodding to Tom as they looked at each other. The two had talked some more since Maria first brought Alex home to meet her parents, and it seemed to Alex like his future father-in-law had accepted him.


Martin sniffed the air past the door. "It smells good in here!"


Tom put his big hand on Martin's head. "We lets go. Grandma doesn't like it when people take their time getting to the dinner table." He led the boy to the dining room, followed close behind by Maria and Alex.


Alex took Maria's hand and smiled at her as they moved into the dining room. They sat down next to each other at the table.


Halfway through dinner, Mary looked to the couple. "So, when's the wedding going to take place?"


Maria held Alex's hand, looking at him for support as she spoke. "Well...we were actually thinking sooner than later, like in a few weeks."


"A few weeks? What about the planning? That's not enough time for a wedding," her mother said with concern.


"We weren't planning on having a big wedding. We thought we would have a small ceremony for family, then later we might decide on having a bigger ceremony for all of our friends from the Excalibur," replied Maria.


Alex nodded. "We don't know when we might be able to get all our ex-crewmen together in one place again, being spread all across the quadrant. And we want to make it official before the baby comes, or we get new orders to relocate elsewhere."


Maria quietly nodded in response. "Hopefully we can find a time where we could all get together."


Alex nodded too, looking at Maria's parents, then to Martin, who was quietly finishing a drumstick of chicken.


"Well that sounds just lovely," said Mary. She got up from the table and moved to the counter. Once there she grabbed a container and turned to face the others. "Who's ready for pie?"


Martin dropped his drumstick on the plate and swallowed fast. "Me Me Me!" Everyone around the table laughed.


Maria giggled as she watched Martin's enthusiasm. "I'll take just a small piece."


Mary smiled as she began cutting the pie, giving the first piece to Martin. She then gave a small slice to Maria. "How about you dear?" she asked Alex.


Alex smiled. "Just a little piece as well." He grinned as he watched Martin demolishing his big slice. "Slow down there sport."


Martin looked up with a piece of whipped cream above his lip. "Sorry Dad. It's just so good!" He smiled.


"Here you go," Mary served Alex, then gave a slice to Tom and herself. She smiled at Martin as she returned to her seat. "Take you time, Sweetie. Don't make yourself sick."


Martin smiled. "Ok," he paused for a bit, "grandma."


Mary smiled, a bit surprised. She sighed a little bit. 'What a cute kid,' she thought.


-- A few hours later... --

Dinner ended a bit later, after some more discussion about the wedding and other things. Martin had been put to bed, and after coffee with her parents, Maria and Alex made their way to Maria's old bedroom. The room was light blue in color, small white daisies littered the wallpaper. A few stuffed animals were on a shelf, and a lone teddy bear layed at the head of the bed. Maria had changed into her silk nightgown and sat at the end of the bed. She picked up the bear, putting it in her lap. "Well, I thought dinner went well."


He sat down next to her, taking off his shirt and kissing her. "Yeah, I think everyone's getting along well." He grinned, "If your mother keeps making those apple pies, I don't think Martin will want to leave."


She layed her head on his bare shoulder and giggled. "Believe me, if you asked, she would make one every night."


Chuckling, he pulled her closer to him. "What do they think of me?"


Maria held the bear up, playing with it's ears. She grinned, looking up at Alex. "You're the mindreader."


"I know, but I've been wondering what they actually say about me." He kissed her.


She turned her body, sitting in Alex's lap. After throwing the bear back on the bed, she wrapped her arms around him. "They like you, and I mean it." She gave him a kiss. "You don't need to worry."


He grinned and kissed her on the neck, rubbing her back. He whispered into her ear, grinning. "How thick are the walls around here?"


Maria felt very relaxed at Alex's touch. "Thick enough..."


Alex kissed her again. "Perrrrfect....I think I'm ready for a second helping of desert..." He pulled them both back onto the bed, both of them giggling together.



Edited by Alexander Zier

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