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Guest Laarell

"Attraction Grows, III"

Shouldn't you be heading for your shuttle?" Meressa asked, coming up behind Laarell and running her fingers through the long dark mane.


Laarell sighed. "I don't particularly want to be." She smiled at the Bajoran, lightly brushing her lips to hers. "It's so much nicer here on Bajor than back on Excalibur."


Meressa smirked. "Not that I don't understand the appeal," she said, "but I think you'd find Bajor much less pleasant when they throw you in a cell for going AWOL."


"I could retire at a young age, have my spider sent out, and learn to farm and garden," she teased.


"You'd be bored inside a week." She kissed the Orion gently, lingering a bit. "Bajor will still be here on your next leave."


She smiled, hands carding through Meressa's hair. "It better be."


She pulled away reluctantly. "You'll be late."


Laarell glanced at the chrono, sighed. "You're right." Slinging her bag over her shoulder, she made for the door begrudgingly. "I guess this is goodbye, then?"


"For now." She walked the Orion to the door.

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