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Guest Laarell


Nine days of leave. Nine days to get off the blasted ship (without being in an alternate universe's brig, doing so), nine days to figure out why there was a Scorpiad ship docked.


Nine days, otherwise, to figure out what to do with.


The first task was easy enough. Reading through the slew of communiques was evidence enough, what with "PEACE" in every other subject line. It was cause for celebration, after all -- lack of arachnid carnage (at least in the overgrown scorpion aspect) was very good indeed.


That still left what she was to do with herself for nine days.


Camelot? She was a little tired of Camelot, and despite the holosuites, she did just want fresh air. The same went for Deep Space Nine on the other side. As for planets? No, not Avalon. Avalon, despite the occasional scenic view, was more work, less play.


Bajor. Hmm. Bajor. Now there was a thought. Bajor, for all her time lingering around the wormhole, for all its fame, she'd never seen herself.


Hmm. Bajor.


Laarell booked a seat on a transport for later that day.

Edited by Laarell

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