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Joint Log

Day read over the reports, and sighed. It seemed there was no better option, though it seemed... counterproductive to the original intent. Oh, well. She tapped her commbadge, "Recruit JoNs, please report to the Commandant's Office."


The 'recruit' sighed as she rolled out of her bunk, heading at a brisk walk - there was no strolling in the marines - to Day's nearby office. Reaching the entry way, the feline chimed for admittance.


"Come," Day called. "Thank you for being prompt. Have a seat, Kansas."


The feline nodded and took the offered seat. While not hostile, she had been a bit quiet and distant around the lieutenant colonel since being remanded to the training. "You wanted to see me sir?"


Day nodded, "That I did. How are things going so far?"


JoNs - for once - considered her answer to Day. "I have sore muscles that I didn't even know existed... permission to speak freely Colonel?"


"I understand why I am here, and while I don't apologize for the actions, I know I can not go around circumventing the command staff authority. With that in mind - since I am here for un-sanctioned actions, wouldn't an unauthorized Vulcan mind meld be included in that as well?" A feline ear merely flipped back in curiosity.


Day frowned, "It was authorized, technically speaking. It was done in agreement between the two senior-most officers on the ship, in an extreme situation, and only because it was deemed essential to secure the safety of the ship." Her brows furrowed further, "Don't think that I haven't regretted it, either. And I don't just mean the fact that you found out about it in the first place... While it would be easier if you hadn't. But I've had plenty of sleepless nights since. But the situation was ultimately unavoidable. We could not have turned him back over without being sure that he wouldn't simply place the blame for the incident on us, leading to an attack and our potential destruction. In this case, the needs of the many did out weigh the needs of the few--and I include both him and myself in the 'few' description."


Kansas merely sighed. "Aye ma'am. Understood. Other then that, things here are... peachy. Your people are highly enthusiastic." The statement came out deadpan, but the feline had a twinkle in her green eyes.


Day nearly smirked, "Did you expect any different, Kansas? I do hear good reports, though. You have... quite literally thrown yourself into the part."


A good natured leer appeared on her muzzle. "I may be many things, but I also tend to be thorough. This is, at its core, a learning experience."


"That it is. I don't suppose you'd like to explain your logical in blatantly disregarding orders? What was so important that you committed serious insubordination?"


The Caitian briefly looked away from her superior officer. "I was initially angered over the lockdown of the brig area, without my knowledge." Her gaze swung back to Day, "But honestly, I did feel as if more tactical information could be gleaned, and it was "easier" to go around the lockdown. It's not an excuse, but I merely went with the moment sir."


"You were in Sickbay when it occurred, and your acting chief was present at the time... though perhaps I should have contacted you upon your return to duty--and I would have, if I hadn't been nursing a headache the size of the Milky Way. As for the other, it didn't occur to you that any applicable tactical information would have been gleaned during the mind-meld? Not very sound thinking there.”


"... it may not have been a sound idea, no. But, with regard to this Perseus section of the galaxy - I sometimes feel that the only way to survive is for myself to think outside the box ma'am. Odd logic, I know..." The young chief trailed off.


"Thinking outside the box is one thing, Lieutenant. But communication is the vital component here. Why didn't you talk to Harper or I? If you have a valid reason to talk to him... we might have agreed. Or we could have explained why it wasn't valid. As it is, it was a total waste... You ended up garnering punishment with no appreciable up-side for the actions," Day chided her.


"....honestly, if one of my officers did the same, I'd be furious with them."


"Yet you think this is a good example to set for them?" She was getting a bit angry now, "You are embracing the ‘Do as I say, not as I do’ philosophy?? And you actually expect them to learn? No wonder you have a crewman under house arrest for tampering with the safeties. He probably thought that was 'thinking outside the box'."


Kansas put a paw up gently, determined to hold her own temper. "That investigation is pending, and he is innocent until proven guilty. Please don’t compare me to a wet behind the ears midshipman who fires at a battalion of marines. And, no I am not setting a very good example; it will not happen again." Her tone came out quiet.


"It had better not. We need to be able to trust our second officer. If you cannot be trusted, you need to say so now." Day paused again.


There was no hesitation in the response. "I never claimed to not be a handful and highly territorial, but the command team has my full and total loyalty and respect - always remember that please."


"Well, then, in the future, please respect our decisions... even if they affect your brig. Now then, I do have one other item of business... I am going to modify the orders regarding your training. You may return to your own quarters for your sleep cycle," Paradox informed her.


The Caitian stared at the marine lieutenant colonel for a few seconds; abruptly, she got up from the chair and darted around the desk. Day was enveloped in a purring hug. Day very nearly reacted... badly.. to the action, but caught herself in time. "You're welcome... But," and she carefully worked to disentangle herself, "I must admit that I have an ulterior motive in making that change."


Kansas backed away from the Vulcan, paws held in surrender, "Apologies sir - happy involuntary reflex action. Ulterior you say?" An ear flipped back.


Day smirked now, "Yes, I'm afraid so. Your presence has been too disruptive in the barracks."


".... before or after they tossed me in the pool..."


Paradox bit back a laugh, "Yes, I heard about that... I believe M&M will be giving Pug a talking to about clogging the filters. But no, unrelated... Apparently, you.. umm... purr in your sleep, and it's disturbing to the others in the barracks."


A goofy grin exposed fangs. "Purring? Well, you know - felinoid. It's supposed to lower ones blood pressure if you have a cat around."


She nodded, continuing to grin, "Yes, well.... some of the noncomms like it quiet, and they've.. well, commented on it in their own roundabout fashion. Let's just say that it was either move you out, or you might be subjected to... pranks beneath your rank."


"Oh my gods. No. Just no. I will gladly retire to my quarters."


Day laughed, "I thought you'd see it my way. In fact," she glanced at the chronometer, "It's just about the end of your training shift. You have my permission to retrieve your items from the barracks and beat a hasty retreat to your quarters for the night."


"Thank you ma'am - and I do regret any unsanctioned actions, and I do intend to learn from this experience. Good night to you." She nodded her head respectfully.


Day nodded back, "Good Night, Kansas... And by the way, you do realize that this is also part of our plot to make it an entirely marine ship." She grinned, "We'll have plants in security, medical and science after this... then we just have to work on the engineers."


JoNs paused in the doorway, turning to look at her executive officer with a big smile. "That sounds almost pirate like - wrong universe, I think, Paradox. But the idea does have merit. Say, a Second officer taking over the ship?" Good natured mischief showed in the felines eyes.


Day grinned, "Over my dead body. Now get to bed, Recruit!"

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