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Col. C.E. Harper

Basic Fallout, Part 2

Day waited until Troll left, still grinning like the proverbial cat that ate the canary. After a moment, the grin faded, "We still have a problem, though, Charlotte. I'm concerned about the computer system. Kansas called for Medical, which means she probably somehow access the record of what I did... plus they were somehow able to override the lockdown. you take that in addition to the recent holodeck problem, and I'm afraid we may have a bigger problem than we realize."


Shifting from grinning to grim instantly, Harper replied, "You think we have a saboteur?"


Paradox shrugged, "I don't know. I haven't heard anything official on the incident involving Megan & Buddha. And I don't know if they are related incidents, but if we were in Fleet territory, I'd want us in for a complete overhaul. At the very least, out here, I think we should change our command codes, and have Lt. Kassem do a through diagnostic once we're through the nebula. It's entirely possible that it's just some weird radiation in this particular place, but... " She trailed off, shrugging again.


"Better safe than sorry," Harper agreed. "in 36 hours, we'll be through the nebula -- assuming nothing else happens -- and we can have a complete check done then. We'll find someplace quiet to sit and take sections offline, if we need to."


Day nodded, "Good. I hope it's nothing but paranoia, but you know what they say."


"Paranoia keeps you alive?" she replied wryly. "No; I agree. Maybe we can put JoNs's hacking skills to good use checking the systems, too."


"Just because you're paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't out to get you," Day clarified. "I'll get in touch with Kairi and get her working on it.


Harper nodded. "Thanks, Paradox."


"No problem. You know she's up for promotion pretty soon... with JoNs demotion, perhaps we should consider her for second officer," she added with a shrug. "At some point. When we're not under the gun."


"Worth considering," Harper agreed. "We'll see how things go."


Day nodded again, standing. "I think I'll go meditate a little longer... Kind of undid all the good of the last hour. Either that, or I'll just go straight to medicate instead."


"Sickbay's been busy enough; try the meditation." She rolled stiff shoulders. "I might try that myself, later."


T'Loren smiled more calmly, "You're always welcome to join me. Anything else?"


"I think that's it, until more information comes in on the holodeck."


"If I hear anything, I'll let you know. Good night, Charlie," Day said, heading for the door.


"Night, Paradox."

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