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ENS Mark Fish


I walk around, telling a few crewman what to do. I walk over to a a console and check on the ships systems.


"Will we ever get this ship back together?"


I mumble under my breath, wanting to respond to my self with a yes, but knowing that we cant do it ourselves, not unless we have more crewmembers appear out of no-were. I walk over to another console and start a log.


"Computer begin"


"Its been a hectic day, Heck, I dont even know if its day or night, I am pretty sure I have been working all day or night..... At the moment we are trying to find away to get back to the wormhole to scan it for the levels and other things. I plan on going to the doc. when this mess is figured out, or I get a free moment, which with my luck probably wont be for while. Well I should start to focus on the tasks that are on hand."


"Computer End"


With that I continue to work

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