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The Darkness Calls...

"The Darkness Calls"

Log entry 40: 29 September, 2157




A sudden jolt awakens the man from his cold, uncomfortable sleep. Unshaven and dishevelled, he is rather violently pushed forward and out of his dark, grey and dank holding cell. Disoriented, he stumbles for a few steps before being jolted again. "Come on! Get a move on, human!" shouts the tinny voice of his persecutor. The hot searing pain of 5000 volts of electricity surges through his body. Damn, that's something he's still not used to. Even though it's routine now, ever since he wound up here. Where? It was certainly beyond him.


Every day, every hours or so, they'd wake him. And prod him with the taser, directing him forward, like a cow to the slaughter. They seem to know to come just as he's about to get comfortable and fall asleep -- something he hadn't had the pleasure of experiencing in so long. How long? He didn't know. A week? A month? Years? All sense of time was lost on him by now. But then, beating tased, beaten and damn nearly killed and left to die on more occasions than one can count does that to a person.


And the interrogations.... they'd drone out for hours asking every little thing. No lenience at all with these lot. Every time, he'd come out with more bruises and cuts on his body. Sometimes he'd wish they'd just kill him and get it over with. But there's one thing that prevents Captain Joseph St. Lawrence from giving up the ghost so easily. His crew. Somewhere, they are also in this god-forsaken hell hole, going through the same routine as he was.


The Romulans don't really let him see any of them. Well, unless they drag the dead body of one of his crewmen past his cell. So far, he counted 9. Mostly low-ranking people who were of no use to them, but there were also those who stood their ground and refused to cooperate. Stubborn, but very brave at the same time. Like his Chief Engineer, Commander Brady. He wasn't recognisable as a human once the Rommies were done with him.


Which is why, he was surprised to see his Chief Science and Executive Officer Commander Polara in the Interrogation Centre shackled to a chair in front of him. The Vulcan looked up. "It is most agreeable to see you Captain" she said, still displaying a calm, cool demeanour. You really gotta hand it to these Vulcans. Thought St. Lawrence. She was pretty banged up as well, by the looks of it as well. St. Lawrence was shoved onto a seat next to Polara and shackled.


A short and stout Romulan walked in and sat in front of them. "Both of us this time, eh? You guys must be pretty desperate for information" replied the captain. "Sorry, but I think you squeezed us dry already" The fat Romulan sneered. "Silence! I'll let you know when you are squeezed dry" he stormed. "I'm you will" muttered St. Lawrence under his breath. The fat Romulan chose to ignore that remark for now.



Two more Romulan guards walked in, clad in their dark grey and black uniforms, and pointed a strange alien weapon at them. "Now, about these recent increased activities along the Neutral Zone..." the fat Romulan inched closer to the two Pathfinder crew, as one of the guards closed the door...


To be continued....

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