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Cptn Corizon

Alone Time

The weary commanding officer of the Excalibur collapsed into a heap upon a couch in his quarters. For a few moments he just lied there taking deep breaths and wishing for something large to hit him on the head and knock him out—nothing came. After a while he finally sat up, placing his hands to his face and pushing them forward through his hair until he reached his ears which he scratched at momentarily before bringing his hands back to his face and feeling the growing facial that was a result of poor personal grooming over the last few days.


Somehow a clean shave had seemed somewhat insignificant compared to defeating the Scorpiads and now being lost in an alternate universe. Was it just him, or was it always something? For once he wished which ever deity that was amusing itself with his life would simply let him breathe for a few moments before throwing something else at him to fix.


What was it he had told Kennin months ago on the Morningstar? “Welcome to Starfleet...” Something like that. Kennin's name brought a rather unpleasant memory to the forefront and he suppressed it as quickly as possible; he preferred not to think about officers lost under his command when things were looking so bright and cheery.


He knew the crew's morale had to be shot. Just when they thought they'd finally gotten home...they found themselves even further than when they'd started. He didn't care what Buckaroo said...no matter where they went, they didn't seem to be where they were supposed to be.


Pushing himself up off the couch he made his way across the darkened room a cabinet along the floor to sealing curved windows. The Bajoran star had tucked behind the moon they were hiding from and only edges of light shown through as Excalibur sat on the dark side of the moon.


“Computer begin playback of music file Corizon Theta 12,” he said softly as he reached for a wine flute and bottle from the cabinet. The computer chirped and the low soft sounds of a musical recording began playing in the background.


The bottles cork had already been removed and Corizon removed the stopper which had taken its place and poured a glass.

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