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Conjecture on Excalibur Plane Shift

Subject : Conjecture on Excalibur Plane Shift

From : Ambassador Joy Five

To : Lt. Xenatos

CC :: Captain Corizon, Lt. Commander Teykier, Ltjg. Maturin, Ens. Xandrex



Lt. Xenatos was recently tasked to determine how we transitioned to an alternate existence. This note is intended to convey some of my own thoughts on the matter. I have one plausible suggestion, and several odd possibilities that might be considered.


One major theory of multi planar physics suggests the parallel existence of many universes or realities. There is a quantum number, a frequency, associated with each. It is allegedly possible to change this number, to alter this frequency, using various technologies.


In addition to our ‘home’ reality, two realities seem most commonly encountered. One is the ‘phased’ reality, very close to the home reality, where ships and individuals in phase space are without difficulty able to observe our home reality. Scorpiad ships seem able to access this reality freely. The Federation devised a ‘Pegasus Project’ which developed a ‘phase cloak’ which could pull ships into the phased dimension much as the Scorpiad do. There are reports of transporter malfunctions and similar accidents which have caused individuals to transfer into phase space as well. While there are known methods to pull individuals out of phase space, to my knowledge there is no means to push individuals or small objects into phase space in a controlled manner. Due to treaty considerations and grave technological difficulties in implementing the phase cloak, to my knowledge research in the field of phase space transition is currently suspended.


There is a specific ‘Mirror’ reality which seems also reachable by transporter accident or similar means. Individuals have shifted into the ‘Mirror’ reality on several occasions. Generally, the transition has been reversible. To my knowledge, this is the first time an entire ship has made the transition.


While the phased and mirror universes are quite different in nature, some claim the physics of transition is similar. Some mechanism alters a quantum number, which corresponds to a resonance frequency. The destination reality is determined by which frequency one transforms to. While in theory there may be a large number of alternate realities, in practice, given we barely understand the process, we can only reach a few realities immediately adjacent to our own.


The existence of the Guardian of Forever implies a far greater degree of control is possible. However, the Guardian was constructed by the Q precursor race. I do not anticipate our being able to reach beyond these three planes.


That background aside, one aspect of the Very Heavy Stun (VHS) phaser project was to be able to effect Scorpiad ships that were phasing. To do this, the Excalibur’s phasers were tuned to the resonant frequency of the phase reality. In order to cleanly fire the VHS phasers out through our own shields, the ship’s shield was tuned to the same frequency as the VHS phasers.


In short, whenever we have put up shields since configuring to VHS, we have been resonating the ship with a frequency corresponding to another reality. This projection was centered outside the ship, in the shield bubble, not directly within the hull. Thus, we did not get a direct phasing effects such as the Pegasus Project produced. Still, it seems possible that the VHS shield tuning combined with the wormhole transition may have played a role in our shifting realities.


If so, using shields readjusted to a slightly different frequency, the frequency corresponding to ‘home,’ we might reset the resonance. As a first proposal then, we might very carefully retune shields, sit with shields up for a considerable time to restore resonance, then attempt the wormhole again.


That is what is known in certain circles as a WAG.* I would suggest much number crunching, experiment and consideration of other ideas before committing to this approach.


There are other factors we might consider, which might have made a difference between our transition and the many others which have occurred. I know nothing of the technology of the ‘collar’ device used to seal the hole. There were reports that the Scorpiad were using the wormhole to power the growth of new ships, which might have distorted or altered the hole somehow. We were carrying a Scorpiad vessel as we traversed the wormhole. There are persistent reports of sentient energy beings residing within the hole. Any of these might be a factor, though how they might be researched at this point seems problematic. Thus, I have emphasized the VHS shield frequencies as the factor most within our control.


I would, of course, be most curious as to any other factors which anyone might think could be in play. I would certainly suggest researching techniques used in prior incidents to restore individuals and ships to their home realities.


Ambassador Joy Five




* Wild Assed Guess.

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