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Captain Huff

My apologies!

I'm starting to sound like a broken record to my crews and cohost, but I promise I'll have more time now that summer is over!


Besides my dumb summer work schedule, somehow I found myself on the planning committee for a forum that was going through its own Rebel Alliance universal break-off and change IRL. (NO, it wasn't another online or gaming group, lol... it is a RL AND non-gaming group!! omg, can we DO that?) Unfortunately, they've been meeting on Tuesday nights, and two hour meetings have been turning into four. Also unfortunately, the council members are not all as mature as our members here (if you can believe THAT), and things are much messier and uglier, so I feel it's vital that I fight to hold onto some sanity for a cause that is totally worthwhile. (And lord no, don't go thinking that we're doing something humanitarian and helpful to mankind, or anything like that). ANyway, they know that I'll be unavailable for meetings on Tuesdays starting mid-September, and will hopefully be scheduling them on other nights.


So... again my sloth-like apologies and yet another promise that I will be there next week! ;)

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and two hour meetings have been turning into four ....



See what happens when you bring wine to meetings ;) Of course I understand completely. How else could I have endured Esthetic classes on Sunday from 12-6 with the same eight women for 14 weeks? Wine of course. Hopefully, you've got them all whipped into shape.

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lol... yes. I'm going to need a lot more than wine this coming week though - they just got their first experience with the usually-caged Huff Midnight Fist of Death... They're not happy.


::looking forward to skulking back into my dark cage in the corner::

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