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Cptn Corizon

Bury Me on Cardassia

As the Battle of the Wormhole ragged on and his forces fell back to regroup, Corizon's mind wandered from the present. For a moment, the entire world seemed to slow and turn backwards. He found himself no longer on the bridge of the Excalibur, but instead in a darkened cemetery on Cardassia Prime, walking alone in the still darkness of midnight.


The scent of fresh earth filled his nostrils and his golden eyes glittered in the moonlight, as looked on at the new graves dug in the soil. Some of them didn't even have head stones or markers yet, but they were still the remains of loyal soldiers—of both sides.


It was hard to believe that just a few weeks before, the men buried side by side in the coffins and holes in the ground were fighting each other to death in brutal combat, but now they rest in peace and tranquility.


In a way, he felt they were doing a disrespect to the fallen to bury them on Cardassia instead of proper space burials, or sending the remains home, but he didn't make those sort of choices, he just followed them. Above all though, he was thankful he'd not been buried alongside the fallen in a shallow grave on a world that had caused so much suffering, so much death.


As he slowly found himself back in the present, he began to realize how real of a possibility his death could now be, and his mind wandered yet again, this time to a conversation with Captain Halloway just before they went into battle.


After everything he and Halloway had been through during the Dominion War, after all the pain and suffering they'd gone through to defeat the Dominion, it was now a very real possibility they would both die fighting for the Dominion. The universe it seemed was filled with irony.


He found himself agreeing with Halloway now... “If I die, have them bury me on Cardassia...” he whispered lowly.

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