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Col. C.E. Harper

"Clearing the Desk"

Clearing the paddwork off her desk was an immensely satisfying feeling. Nevermind that she wasn't actually at a desk at the moment, but rather working from a tablet-display in the tiny 'lounge' area of the NNC. Nevermind, even, that by morning the pile would be back, reconstituted from its own component parts in some parody of the replicator system. (How many times have you filled out that form? How many times have you eaten that cheeseburger?) Tonight, at least, she would go to bed finished with her work. Such a novel concept, really, and one they didn't warn you about -- that clocking out at the end of a shift became a fantasy when you got to command; the work and the worry followed you home. Not that the shiny-eyed, fresh-faced, eager young things she remembered teaching would have listened if they'd been told...


So maybe someone did warn me, she reflected with wry good humor. Ah, well. It wouldn't be the first lesson I missed. It definitely wasn't going to get her down today. She had one last set of messages to send before she was done for the day.


To: Dr. Desdemona Levy, Chief Medical Officer

CC: Lt. Odile Condacin, Chief Science Officer

Subj: Disposition of Soltan Remains


Please advise regarding safest disposition of the five Soltan bodies currently in our possession. Is there any indication as to the virulity of the disease following the death of its host?


Assuming that the medical and science departments will wish to preserve samples and/or complete remains for further study, what precautions are required to ensure crew safety? Will stasis be sufficient or should further quarantine protocols be instituted? I would also like to receive a full report on possible failure scenarios, with an eye toward developing emergency response procedures. Please also submit a listing of samples to be kept, accompanied by a summary of likely benefits from them, for final approval.


It is my understanding that Crewman Burne's remains, while human in appearance, still carry the virus responsible for the Change, and should thus be classed with the other four Soltans. At this juncture I would like to note that I do feel obligated to provide a proper funeral for him. I realize that as the only one exposed to the prototype cure, his remains may be the best subject of study. However, if sufficient results can be obtained with limited samples, I would prefer to release his remains in accordance with Starfleet and his own customs.

To: Lt. Cmdr. M'rrrett JoN's, Chief Security Officer

Subj: Crewman Carter Burne, Soltan escape


Commander JoN's, as Burne was in your department, I hoped you would know whom he was friendly with that might be willing to speak at a memorial service. Arrangements for one cannot be finalized until medical releases his body, but one way or another there will be a proper send-off. I would appreciate your thoughts on the matter.


On a different note, I don't believe I've seen a report on the questioning of the medical crewman who assisted in the Soltan's escape attempt. Was any information of use obtained? What is your opinion of the security risk Crewman Amreis poses at present?


To: Major Hanna-Beth Rieve, Lt. Kairi Kassem

Subj: Interrupted Conversation


I'm sorry our conversation earlier today was cut off. I would like to continue it at some future date, particularly in regards to your speculations on the local political situation.


Also, Lt. Kassem, is there any more information to be dredged from the planetary database?

Harper sent that last one off with a flourish and a grin, pleased. Then a thought occurred to her and she penned one last short note.


To: "Kansas" JoN's

Subj: Gossip Mill


P.S. Bad cat.

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To: Lt. Cmdr. M'rrrett JoN's, Chief Security Officer

Subj: Crewman Carter Burne, Soltan escape


Commander JoN's, as Burne was in your department, I hoped you would know whom he was friendly with that might be willing to speak at a memorial service. Arrangements for one cannot be finalized until medical releases his body, but one way or another there will be a proper send-off. I would appreciate your thoughts on the matter.


On a different note, I don't believe I've seen a report on the questioning of the medical crewman who assisted in the Soltan's escape attempt. Was any information of use obtained? What is your opinion of the security risk Crewman Amreis poses at present?

To: Colonel Charlotte Harper, Marine Commanding Officer

Re Subj: Crewman Carter Burne, Soltan Escape


I do indeed support and welcome any plans for a memorial service for Carter. Petty Officer Zimm, his squad leader, and the one who had the most contact with him, has agreed to say a few words.


Crewman Betile Amreis was questioned at length by Lieutenant jg Black-Knight, and I have reviewed the transcripts.


Speculation: She obviously had some attachment to and feelings for Mister Burne - I venture a guess that the two were a couple. Her past involvement with pre-Soltan Burne led her to believe that she was 'saving' the remaining Soltans from the experimental fate that befell Burne.


Recommendation: Betile commited a baseline act of treason, and still poses a security risk. Normally, she would be remanded to the custody of the Starfleet JAG offices. Since we can not do that with our current location, I recommend that she stay under house arrest for the time being. The house arrest conditions would involve either the brig or her own quarters, but she would need to agree to an ankle tracker with the attached 'zapper' deterrent if she opts to be held in her quarters. I hesitate to suggest a field court martial, at least until we can further stabilize her mental condition, if at all possible.


To: "Kansas" JoN's

Subj: Gossip Mill


P.S. Bad cat.


To: "Medusa" Harper

Re Subj: Gossip Mill


P.P.S. Mister Kreval should have anticipated the movement of my fist and ducked.

Edited by Kansas_Jones

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