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Just in Case

This log should have ben posted June 16th.



As Schawnsee left the room that the disguises were done in, she let out a heavy sigh. She knew her hair and eye color could be changed back as soon as the mission was over but her hair length could not be replaced. Once it was cut there was no putting it back.


She made her way to the back to her quarters to do as Cmdr Ridire had suggested. She didnt want to worry those in the tribe, but she didnt want it coming from Angelis either. If she didnt come back, she wanted her tribe to hear that it was of her own free will that she went on this mission. She wanted them to hear in her own voice that she could have rejected the mission and allowed someone else to go but she didnt. Her father had always told her, "When its time for the Creator to take you, you will go no matter where you are. Remember The Creator has plans for each of us and trying to change those plans does not please him."

Kat sat at her console and looked at it. This was the hardest thing her had to do. Her family and tribe always knew this was a possibilty but she had never had to face the fact that a mission was so dangerous, this could be her time. She took a deep breath. "Computer Begin recording holomessage."


"This message is to be played to the Crew of the Reaent. I know I have only been her for a short while but I want each and everyone I have enteracted with to know that in My Oppion it was time well spent. Ltjg Angelis, I would like for you to personally deliver this message to our tribe and my family. When you do, I do not wish for you to disclose whats in the message. I wish for them to hear it from me in my own voice. This of coarse is with the Captians permission. I also wish for you to take my braids to them. It may be all that is left for the burial ritual. Captian Micheals I wish you to know that I have enjoyed my time here on the Reanet and hold no regrets on going on this mission. May the Creator or your own higher being care and keep you. Good Bye. Computer End recording."


She sat back a moment and gathered herself. Now for her tribe and family. "Computer begin recording to be taken and played for my family and tribe."


"My family and tribe. If you are watching this I have crossed over to the promised land. I am now with the Creator. I know you are seeing the change in my hair and eye color as well as the length. It was requird for the mission that took my life. Angelis has something I have asked him to deliver to you. I wish you to know I had a choice to deny the assignment of this mission but did not choose to do so. I took this mission of my own free will. I also knew the high likelyhood that I may not return. I wished for you to hear this in my own voice so you knew it to be true. May the Creator give you the strength to carry on without me and please do not hate the Federation for me not returning to the tribe. I did this because I wished to protect our planet from the evils that lurk about. AHO!" Kat closed her eyes and lowered her head as she stated, "Computer End Message."


Kat looked at ther chronometer and noticed that it was time to meet the rest of the team. She gathered her things and laid her braids on the console so Angelis would not have trouble finding them. She stood and walked to the door and stopped and turned one last time. She gave a heavy sigh and walked out allowing the doors to slide closed behind her.

Edited by Schawnsee

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