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Aidan Driscol

“A Silver Lining for Blue Crewmen”

"A Silver Lining for Blue Crewmen"

A Log by Ensign Aidan Driscol





Like so many times in the past days Aidan was sitting in the science lab thinking about the virus. He had risked his career to get more samples; everybody had their undergarments in a knot over this and he wondered why. They had needed the samples and he had had his orders from Doctor Levy. If Tordai had gone nobody would have said a word because Levy was her chief. Certainly, his chief was Lieutenant Condacin, but she had been busy with other things and she had allowed him to work with medical on this as the resident xeno biologist. In his opinion Lieutenant Condacin wasn't able to judge the situation correctly. Aidan hit the desk with his fist. He was still mad at her for telling him off and treating him like a child, but now he would have to concentrate on the virus and put all this aside.


Aidan held the PADD with the pictures of the samples with which Shadow had been able to provide them after they had gone fishing again. This helped him to understand things a little bit better. Their best shot was to find differences between the samples to see how the virus worked and maybe to find out how to fight it. Aidan had been busy doing just that for the past hours. He had found out that the virus wasn't as different as he had thought and feared it would be. It appeared to be somewhat like the varicella-zoster virus also known as human herpes virus 3 which caused chicken pox ans shingles.


The virus seemed to infect an organism and started to cause all these changes and once they were done it became inactive. He had the proof right in front of him. In some of the Soltans the virus was still active, they must have been infected later than those in which the virus was dormant. That meant that even though they didn't have a cure they could try to resequence Burne's DNA and get him back to normal and hope the virus would remain dormant. For the other Soltans there was no hope. They wouldn't be able to help them, because they didn't have their genetic profiles but it was a chance for Burne.


He picked up and empty PADD and started to write a report for his chief, as he had no intention of getting into trouble again. But he made a point of writing that it was the new samples that had made all of this possible. When he was done he copied everything onto two more PADDs, one for medical and one for the Colonels in case Lieutenant Condacin thought his findings important enough to pass them on.


When Aidan looked up he saw that Condacin wasn't in her office and he didn't feel like going to look for her. So he got up to go where he always went when he was frustrated and needed to just let it all out; he went to the gym.

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"A Silver Lining for Blue Crewmen"

A Log by Ensign Aidan Driscol


He had risked his career to get more samples; everybody had their undergarments in a knot over this and he wondered why.


Well, I don't know about anybody else being in a knot, but the security chief for one is a wee bit worried about having the Zombie Plague Soltans held next to her office, and unnecessary exposure due to "sample takers" - I can so be annoyed if I want too.


However - on some level, Kitty may understand the "bending of regulations" for a cause or situation - I'm sure Doctor Levy remembers the whole, ahem, missing hypos incident. :)


Nice Log Aidan!

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However - on some level, Kitty may understand the "bending of regulations" for a cause or situation - I'm sure Doctor Levy remembers the whole, ahem, missing hypos incident. :)


We all bend the rules sometimes. Of course some of us do it better than others.

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