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New Life and New Civilization

Below the surface of Avalon...


Confusion. Brightness. Cold.


An instinctive response to alarm filled the dimly-lit cavern with sound, a plaintive cry echoing with the empty chamber.


Cupping the wriggling, fragile package along his forearm, Sorehl sensed the unspoiled purity of the newborn intellect through his fingertips as easily as he felt the warmth and softness against his skin. This inner slate was clear as the face of a wind-swept dune, untrod by the caravans of other’s experiences.


My son, Sorehl affirmed, brushing gently against the disoriented mind. It was not language; it was too early for even images-yet-unseen, but a projection of belonging, a sense of familiarity to comfort the abrupt arrival.


The Vulcan swaddled the baby within dark folds of fabric, carefully wiping away traces of dark green from the tiny face. With measured steps, he moved to present the child to its weary mother, glancing toward another figure within the cave.


Jeralla Ramson nodded slightly, glancing up from the medical scanner that monitored the health of mother and child. With that gesture, the young Cardassian attaché quietly confirmed that all was well. While the birthing chamber on Avalon had been arrayed in accordance with ancient Vulcan practice, there had been no logic in ignoring suitable precautions. Dr. K’hal had procured the appropriate equipment. Dr. Kassem remained on call to address unforeseen complications. And above them all in the Camelot Command Center, Commander Blair maintained a transporter lock to allow the parties to be whisked away to the safety of the medical complex.


Gently, Sorehl lowered the infant so T’Salik could see him. As he watched, she brushed her own fingers against the boy’s temple. During the silent exchange, he wondered what the future would bring to his son, as well as the reverse.


Let the heavens rage away in their battle for the Quadrant, he considered. New life and new civilization were emerging at Avalon.

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Touching log, Sorehl.

I almost feel bad about killing massive amounts of people in mine.

Almost... ^_^

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