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Kimiko was in her quarters. Her first official shift on board the Challenger was about to start soon. She had finished changing into her uniform and was making some last minute touch-ups.


Shaow was settling into her new office as best she could, but the whole situation was surreal. The Caitian had enrolled in the OEP to study and learn on a human vessel - and found herself landed in a chief position.


The formerly brown and now blond furred Cait shook her head in an annoyed manner, but perked up a bit when she started looking over a data slate that showed information on the MACOs. JoNs flipped at the small comm inset on her desk with a paw. "Lieutenant JoNs to Second Lieutenant Johnson..."


Kimi placed her finger on the wall console. "Johnson here. What can I do for you Ma'am?"


"I'd like you to come by the security offices before your duty shift."


"Yes Ma'am. I'm on my way." Releasing the comm button, the MACO grabbed her jacket, putting it on as she went out the door. After a short trip down to F Deck, Kimiko arrived at the security office. She walked in, immediately snapping to attention. "2nd Lieutenant Johnson reporting as ordered."


JoNs stood out of respect. "Pleased to make your acquaintance." Her accent came out in heavy purrs, and she smiled. "But, right now, we are speaking as section head to section head. Let's do away with the sirs and ma'ams and ranks. Have a seat. "


Kimi took a relaxed position. "Of course." Taking a seat, the MACO studied her Starfleet counterpart's features carefully. This was her first time meeting a Caitian.


The young Caitian was also taking in the woman's fatigues and general bearing. "This is my first meeting with a MACO. I admit, the Caitian fleet does not employ a similar group."


"I assure you, we're here to make your job easier," Kimiko said with a slight smile.


"How long have you served, ah, Kimiko?"


"You may call me Kimi if you wish." The Asian American straightened her uniform jacket. "To be honest, not long. It's my first assignment. This is a big learning experience for me."


A smile blossomed across JoNs's furred features. "That is fine - this is my first assignment as well with the Officer Exchange Program. I too am learning. I think we will both compliment each other well."


Kimi grinned at the Caitian officer. "Then we will be learning together."


"Aye! I must ask - in addition to working together, I was wondering if you would be interested in showing me, possibly some minor training, with regard to your MACOs weapons and tactics so that I may...understand?" Her tail flicked around in anticipation.


"That would be fine. If you'd like, I'm meeting my team at 1400 hours to get to know them. I'm sure they would all be willing to put on a display."


Shaow nodded in respect to her MACO counterpart. "That will be fine. If I am too," the Caitan fumbled, searching for the correct wording, "...command, I need to understand everything about this department and the resources, and the personnel.'


Kimi nodded, "Very good. We will be meeting in the armory. I'll even schedule some time in the shooting range."


Shaow's low purring intensified, and she grinned, showing her fangs. "Excellent!"


Kimiko stood from her seat as she smiled at Shaow. "Great, I'll see you at 1400 then. As for now, my shift is about to begin. Was there anything else you needed to discuss with me?"


JoNs stood and walked around the desk, her hind paws padding lightly against the decking. She offered the human a paw. "Nothing, merely a welcome to the ranks."


Kimi looked at the paw for a split second, and then gripped it with her hand. "Thank you."

Edited by Kimiko

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