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Kevin Anderson

"Virus, What Art Thou?"

"Virus, What Art Thou"

A Log by Midshipman Aidan Driscol



Aidan was back in the science lab. It seemed to him that he never got out of there these days apart from reporting to his Chief and checking with sickbay. He had known that Alpha would be more work but he hadn't imagined it to transform his life into little more than work. He chuckled. It was hard being this good.


He picked one of the PADDs up and went back to work. Again he was waiting for results of tests he was conducting. Captain Merill had come up with a possible treatment but Aidan still felt uneasy. He had a feeling that his overworked and sleep deprived brain was missing something. Just to be prepared he was taking the virus apart so that when he was done with it he would know everything there was to know about it.


Aidan put the PADD down again. Was he getting obsessed? Nah, he had always been thorough and this was his first big project, not only on the Alpha Shift but since he left the Academy. This was his chance to prove himself. And first and foremost he wanted to save those sick Gareem. This was why he hadn't been sleeping, he wanted to make sure that he did whatever he could to help them. He simply couldn't afford to take much time off because those people were transforming. When on the bridge he had overheard a comm between Lieutenant Colonel Day and this other Gareem woman and she had sounded very disappointed. That meant he simply hadn't tried hard enough. And not trying hard enough would probably mean that the sick Gareem would die. That's how they dealt with it, wasn't it? Yes, he now remembered that from his briefing. They killed their sick before they could fully transform.


Taking a deep breath he went back to work wishing he could do more. He didn't expect the new results to come in for another few hours. They still didn't know much about the virus. His previous tests had been cause for more questions than answers.


Aidan put his head on the desk in front of him just to relax for a moment. He should focus on the report he had to get together for the Chief, she would want to be kept up to date. He took a moment to close his eyes and put his thoughts in order before getting on with the report... but before long he nodded off...

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