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Marius Tr'Lorin

"Merlin, and the Sili-Decim Crystal Cave"

[Thanks to Dox and his log for a few ideas :lol: ]

Personal Log: Marius Tr'Lorin


Stardate: 0705.14



Marius huddled over his worktable in Main Engineering. He was pouring over an information article, "Mythology of Fifth Century Britain." He had finally decided on a name for his resonator, which now sat on the table beside him. He finally came across what he was looking for: Merlin. Marius read over it; the story of Merlin seemed most fitting, at better than anything else that he had thought of. Now he just needed to test it...


Suddenly, a light flashed on the corner of his screen, followed by a file. Dox had sent scans of the transmitter in the caves.

"Well... this should be interesting..."


After a few moments, Marius dropped everything else, to look intently at the data. While the structure of the transmitter itself was fairly common, some of the parts inside were different. Certain energy focals were more intense, or concentrated, than usual. In fact, their concentration levels reached that of dangerous to crew nearby, and definitely had gone beyond a point of keeping information intact.


Yet, somehow, information did successfully emit from the machine, without any indication of damage, other than some sili-decim crystal formations inside. Though then again, these didn't match the same atomic structure as the other crystals surrounding the cave... They pulsed with energy, possibly from the transmitter...


Marius's head reeled with hundreds of possible explanations, and even adaptations to systems to take advantage of this. He looked down at his coat, which still hung by his table, for the next expedition into the caves. Marius smiled.

Edited by Marius Tr'Lorin

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