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Atrian Waterford



Stardate 0705.02

Midshipman Atrian Waterford


Forty minutes. A chronometer on the console in front of Atrian began counting down. The vial of respiratory discharge collected during Midshipman Gerran's physical exam spun dizzily as the diagnostic equipment analyzed its contents. Although Gerran's physical seemed to indicate he had fantastic health, he mentioned that he had some difficulty breathing while exercising. The tests were probably unnecessary; however, Gerran believed his condition may have been caused by a fire he was trapped in several years ago. Whatever the case, in...thirty-eight minutes and twelve seconds Atrian would have a better idea what was going on.


Slouching back in his chair, Atrian stared absently at the flashing timer. Over the past few days he'd been consumed with work. Within the first hour he ever stepped in Aegis's sickbay, he was out the door, assigned to an away mission. Since then, he didn't have much time to relax. It didn't bother him. Working onboard the Aegis was more exciting than studying for exams at Starfleet Medical. He was confident in the work he completed, and eager to take on more...maybe a little too eager. It was starting to catch up with him, as he fought back waves of drowsiness. Nothing a few cups of coffee wouldn't clear up when his shift ended in a few hours.


He let his eyes close for a moment. When he did get a chance to rest, he found it much easier than back at the academy. The minds here were calmer, more mature. Back at school, Atrian spent sleepless nights listening to the minds of cadets dreading tomorrow's examinations. He had the ability to block out most telepathic 'white noise'. But occasionally, usually when he was dreading an examination himself, he just couldn't filter it out. He didn't seem to be experiencing that problem here though.


"Dr. Waterford?" The call startled him. Thirty-seven minutes remained on the chronometer. Atrian's eyes snapped open as he turned to face Dr. Lepage. "Can I speak with you for a moment?"


"Sure thing." Atrian stood, shaking off his sleepiness. As soon as his meeting with Dr. Lepage was over, he promised himself, he'd grab some coffee…

Edited by Atrian Waterford

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