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Day Two - Copernicus Shipyards

It was day two at the University of Copernicus Shipyards.....and that's all they were....shipyards.


The facilities, built in the middle of an unremarkable asteroid field, were far from complete. The truth was, they were barely functional. Fortunately for the Reaent, the actual shipyard was pretty far along and there were enough engineers and support staff already assigned to effect most, if not all, of the repairs the Reaent required.


Unfortunately for the crew, there was no where to go at Copernicus, unless you wanted to hang out in the yards. They had two cafeteria style mess halls and a spacious but sparsely furnished recreation deck. There were no bona fide restaurants and forget about shopping. They didn't even have a grocery store.


Debbie hadn't bothered to go "ashore." Aside from being extremely busy in Sickbay, she quickly decided the food available on Reaent would be just as good as whatever they were serving in the station's mess halls. There was absolutely no reason to leave the ship, especially since full power had been restored.


Most of Reaent's power came courtesy of the station via multiple umblicals. Debbie was genuinely grateful they had enough power to keep Sickbay running at 100%. The entire medical staff was breathing easier now that they had full access to all of their equipment. They still had to deal with overcrowded conditions and that wasn't going to change anytime soon. The cargo bays they would have used as emergency medical facilities had been badly damaged. They would remain off limits for quite a while. By the time they were available for use, Debbie sincerely hoped they would no longer be needed. If things went according to plan, most of those still hospitalized would be discharged before the cargo bay repairs were completed.


Then again, when was the last time anything went according to plan.

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