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Continuing Aide

(Our thanks to Vectra for portraying all the animals and R4.)


(This takes place immediately after the sim.)



Swan looks back to the wolf cub stirring in Daena’s arms. “Can he stand?” She looks around not sure she's not going to be eaten by the cub’s parents.




The young Mithraan looks down at the little cub, purring softly. "Can you stand little one?"




The young wolf cub slowly stirred. "I think so" he said.




Daena gently sets the cub down, her tail swishing in anticipation.




In the distance, the cub's parents watched warily in the forest. The Cub, released from the Cat’s grip took a few tentative steps. He took a few shaky steps around the cat.




Swan watches the cub a moment smiling. “Daena he looks like he’s going to make it. Was he the worst affected?”




Watching the cub walk around, she smiled. "I think so. Let me ask." Daena turned to Leon, the lion. "Was there anyone else who was sick?"




"Any others I need to treat as I did this Cub and the Tiger?"




Léon looked up. "After we drank the water, we all felt immediately better. The cub is still young and his immune system is weak, so it will take longer for him to heal. The same goes for some of our own young as well. Even the plants are feeling better as well" he added.




Swan sits watching the cub and wonders if Daena is getting an answer and if so what it is.




Daena nods, turning back to Swan. "Everything seems fine. The young were affected the worst."




Kat reaches out to stroke the cub. She smiles glad that he is recovering. "Are there any others that need treating as the Cub or the Tiger? Any more that has collapsed?




Her ears perked up as she suddenly remembered. "Oh no, the Cougar!" Daena dashed off without warning.




"The Cougar? I didn’t see a cougar!!” Calling after her, Swan looks to the Lion and Tiger wondering if she should follow or remain still.




The Cougar lie on its side near the mountain, his strength and energy all but sapped. He truly did seem to be at death's door.




She decides to chance it and grabs the medical kit and runs after Daena. "WAIT FOR ME!"




Worried about their comrade, Léon and Tiger followed as well.




The Mithraan soon arrived, dropping to the Cougars side. "Are you ok? Please say something."




The Cougar simply lay on his side and did not respond.




Daena places her head on his chest, searching for a sign of life.




Swan catches up to Daena. "Daena, they are chasing me. Tell them I want to help," panting out of breath.




The cougar's breathing was slow and labored his heart rate extremely slow. He envisioned the bright lights of the after life closing in on him.




"Do not be afraid of them," Daena said sadly, her ears drooping. "He is very sick. I don't know if we can move him."




Katherine opens the med kit and takes out a tricorder and scans the Cougar. "He’s worse than the Cub, Daena. His heart rate is really slow, and you can see he’s having trouble breathing.”




"Can you save him?"




"It is essential you heal him as well" said Léon. "We might just incur the wrath of the Great Spirit."




"Ill do what I can, but we may be too late." She draws up the same medications as before and places them in the hydration fluid. "I am not sure, I’m going to try." She then places the hypo over the cougar’s neck vein and starts the slow release of its contents.




Nodding, Daena turns to Swan. "Doctor, please do your best. I fear our safety may depend on it."




"He’s really bad. If we could have gotten to him sooner I would have said yes. But I don’t know."




The cougar felt the contents circulate through his blood stream. As it began to work its progress on the cougar, it made him jerk his legs involuntarily.




She watches as the drugs go into the cougars system. "He’s pretty far out of it Daena."




"Maybe if he drinks some of the water," suggested the Tiger.




“Daena, hold him still.” The hypo misses its mark and the contents go into the surrounding tissue.




Daena holds the Cougar. "Please lay still." She turned back to the Tiger. "Is there a way to bring the water here? I fear we can not move him."




This isn’t going to be good. The drugs are not meant to be in the tissues like this. These are meant for intravenous or internal by mouth." Katherine looks up to Daena. "I don’t know if it will be effective or not."




The Tiger looked around his surroundings. "There are some large empty shells on the lake front that may serve as an adequate drinking container," he mused.




The young Mithraan dashed off towards the lake. "I will return Doctor."




"Daena? DAENA!!” Kat looks around at the others still gathered around her, now getting quite nervous.




Daena searched the side of the lake till she found a suitable shell. Grabbing it, she rushed off to the pool.




In a very nervous voice. "Umm I’m doing all I can, don’t...don’t hurt me? Daena? Get back here please?"




After dipping the shell in the medicated waters, Daena quickly returned. "Here is the water."




Not understanding what the fleshy pink thing is saying, they surrounded her, curious to know about Cougar's condition.




She once again starts infusing the Cougar with the drugs and the rehydration fluids. "Get better cat please get better."




Daena hands the shell to Swan, and then turned to the Tiger and Leon. "He was worse than the others. It may take some time before he is healed."




Katherine sees the other cat come closer and becomes really afraid. She gives a sigh of relief seeing Daena return. "I’m glad you back. I thought they were going to kill me."




"They are just concerned Doctor. They will not harm you."




The cougar started to slowly move as the effects of the drugs started to work. He slowly inched over to Swan and Daena. Tiger and Léon nodded. "But he'll be back to normal over time. Cougar has a very tough spirit," they said reassuringly.




She takes the shell with the water and slowly drops a few drops at a time in his mouth being careful not to put too much that he would choke. "You keep saying that but I wonder if that’s true if you had not returned.”




"They gave me their word no one was to be harmed."




Swan smiles as she sees the Cougar trying to get up on his sternum. She tries to assist him by pushing on his side. "Easy there fella. Take it easy."




Daena began to pet the Cougar as she purred. "Is your strength returning?"




Swan gently strokes the cats head and neck. "Thank the Great Leader."




Her ears perked up. "The Great Leader? Is that your god?"




The Cougar blinked and looked around. "Yes" he said. "Though slow going, my strength is returning to me. I shall be fine. Thank you"




She takes the tricorder and scans the Cougar once more. "Daena, his heart rate has sped up, the drugs are working. Yes from where I come from I guess you would call the Great Leader my god of sorts. If there are no others that need our attention, we need to get to the shuttle. R4 is there awaiting our return. We need to get back to the ship."




Nodding, Daena stroked the Cougar's fur, a little sad to leave. "I suppose you are correct."




"The drugs will disperse in the water and fade away. There will be no traces left in about five days. They need to drink from the pond at least once more in the next day or two. After that, the drugs will not help. They will be weakened by the sun and have little or no effect after that."



Swan strokes the Cougars head and shoulders gently. "Daena? He may hurt where the drug went under the skin when he had the convulsion. It will be ok but he may feel the sting for a few days until it works its way out."




Daena turned to the Lion and Tiger. "Make sure everyone drinks from the waters for the next couple of days." She then pets the Cougar once more as she purred. "I will miss you all."




Léon and Tiger stood up. "And we shall miss you as well. We will take care of Cougar until he is well enough to live on his own again" said Tiger. "Thank you both for saving us" added Léon. "You will not be forgotten among us"




Swan slowly stands and looks to the Tiger and the Lion glad that she was able to help. These animals were not as bad as she had imagined and even seemed to be thankful for their help. At least that was the feeling she was getting.




The Mithraan finally stood, turning to Swan, her tail swishing slowly as if sad. "It is time."




"Daena, will they allow me to touch them? Maybe they will feel my happiness and compassion as I know dogs on my world do? Then we must go."




She nodded. "You may try."




Swan looks to the Tiger and the Lion and takes a slow step towards them. "Tell them I thank them for not hurting us and for allowing me to help." Kat kneels down in front of them as to not look as threatening, and reaches out her hand to them.




Tiger and Léon stood perfectly still as if reading Swan's mind. They knew her intent and let the pink thing touch them.




"The Pinkie wishes to thank you," Daena says to the large cats.




"It is not a problem and the least we can do" replied Tiger.




Kat smiles and gently strokes the big cats then steps back away from them. "Daena, we need to go now."




"Goodbye..." says the young science officer as she stands there, awaiting Swan.




"Goodbye and thank you for everything. May the Great Spirit watch over you" replied Léon.




Kat tapped her combadge. “R4, we are on the way. Send a message to Commander LoAmi that the animals are healing and will be ok." She turns away from the Animals and heads towards the ship. “We may have hurt them but at least we were able to help them. Lets go home Daena."




A bored R4 beeped back to life whilst waiting for Swan and Daena to return. Beeping, he sent a communiqué back to Commander Lo'Ami and for a second time, started up the shuttle.




Daena sniffs in the air, detecting the distinct scent of the shuttle. She dashes off, but stays within eyesight of Katherine. The cat woman simply wished to be able to run free once more before being confined to the cold, sterile starship.





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