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Nicolas Lepage

Blood,Breen and Rogues

“Blood, Breen and Rogues”

Stardate 0704.09

A joint log by Cdr Muon Quark, Ltn Cdr Nicolas Lepage and Mid Kevin Anderson



Anderson, Quark and Lepage beamed over to the transport ship to find out what they could about what had happened. They hadn't been able to get any readings of life signs, all they knew was that the ship had sent out a distress signal.


Anderson looked around nervously to check if Quark and Lepage were there too. As he turned towards Lepage Kevin heard Quarks voice: “Away team to Lewis. We're here. Check in every 10 minutes.”


Muon and Nick turned on their wrist lights and Anderson got out his tricorder before turning on his as well.


In the dim light Nick tried to make out the surroundings. Nothing was moving and PADDs and various other things were strewn across the deck. He sighed, wondering what had happened to the crew.


Quark looked about: “ So, the power is out. We should break into three teams.”


Upon hearing this Anderson's stomach clenched. He was to go out there all by himself. Just to make sure he asked: ”Is it advisable to go out on our own?”


Quark looked at him a tad bemusedly upon being questioned on a matter like this: “ It's a small ship, we'll still be within shouting distance. Plus there were no life forms detected. Should be sfae enough.”


Anderson flushed which was fortunately hidden by the darkness that surrounded them, he was mad at himself for not being able to hide his uncertainty: “I'm sorry, I'm just a bit nervous because this is my first away mission.” He thought that the truth would be better than Quark thinking he was prone to insubordination.


Quark nodded and now understood Anderson's behaviour: “No problem Kevin. You have to go on your first AT some time. I'll take the bridge. Why don't you take engineering Kevin and the Doc can look into the medical files... Or crew quarters. Call if you need help”


Feeling a bit more secure now Anderson said: “Shall do, I'll go see what I can find in engineering:”


Nick nodded. "I'll see what I can find out but I have a hunch that I won't find anything but records of routine physicals and minor inuries. If I'm lucky I'll find some clue as to what happened in the quarters." He was already walking in the direction of sickbay as he said this. His steps were echoing in the quiet, deserted ship.


The away team broke up. Quark examined the bridge, Anderson engineering and Lepage the crew quarters and sickbay. At a first glance all of them found the same. PADDs on the floor, broken consoles, signs of fights all over the ship. Whatever the reason for the crew's disappearance, they didn't go voluntarily.


He stepped over some debris and entered sickbay. As he stepped up to a console he realized that any attempt to acess the files would be futile with no power. So, he decided to have the data sent to the Lewis once an minimal power would be restored.


From sickbay Nick only had to walk a little further down the corridor to get to the crew quarters. It would be almost impossible to find anything useful in here. Furniture, PADDs and debris lay strewn all over the place. The chaos was worse than what his brothers and sisters were able to produce when left unattended for a while...and that was saying something.


Nick kept poking around the rooms for a while, hoping he'd stumble across something useful.


In the silence of the abandoned bridge Quark tried to get some systems back online, after working on a console for a couple of minutes all of a sudden she heard a voice. She turned around being startled by it and then realised she'd come across the vessel's Captain's recording. The Captain said: “ We've encountered two unknown ships, they're not responding to hails and they've locked a tractor beam on us.” After that the recording became more and more disturbed by static. “It s..ms we're.. boarded.” Then suddenly his voice rose: “Oh God no!.. Can't b..live ..t's ..em...t's th...” After that the recording broke off.


Quark turned it off giving a frustrated grunt. Now that didn't get them much further. She looked around the bridge. At least all the debris lying around made some sense now. Someone had boarded the ship and abducted the crew. Quark had just started to wonder if the others had come up with more when she heard Anderson call for her and Lepage.


While Quark had been busy on the bridge Anderson had taken a look around engineering. He, too, had found debris lying about, there were signs of struggles all over the ship. But the reason why he had called out for Quark was something he had found while examining some of the debris. It seemed like at least one of the fights had not gone over without bloodshed.


“Look at what I found just as I left the bridge to come over here”, she said as she entered engineering. Kevin looked up to see Lepage and Quark enter. Quark held something up. “What do you think this is Kevin?”


Kevin too it in his hand but was too excited about his find to examine it further: “This might give us a clue on who is responsible. Look!”


Quark looked at a dark stain on the floor: “Blood?”


“Yes.” Kevin exclaimed excitedly. “Looks like someone got a punch on the nose during a fight, if it was one of the attackers the Doc should be able to tell us who the attackers were.”


Nick crouched beside the stain and looke dat it before taking a sample. "Whoever was hurt must have been moving. The traces suggest he was moving...that way." He pointed toward the exit.


Quark watched as Lepage took a sample and her mood improved a little bit. Finally they were getting somewhere.


Lepage frowned as he looked up at Muon. "Hmm...it's Breen." He checked the readouts of his tricorder again and shrugged. "Yes, there's no doubt about it. This blood is definitely Breen."


Neither of them could really believe that. This didn't look like a Breen attack. After all they all knew what Aegis looked like after the Breen had been through with it.


Quark checked in with the Lewis before expressing her intention to examine the cargo bay. So Anderson and Lepage followed her over to it.


Frowning Anderson turned his attention to the item Quark had found on the bridge and handed to him for examination while he walked behind Lepage. As they reached the cargo bay they found it to be empty except for some carelessly tossed aside, empty boxes.


While Muon and Kevin remained standing close to the entrance Nick wandered further into the empty cargo bay. He kept scanning the deck and blukheads for organic material.


Quark looked over at Anderson: “Can you make sense of all this? Breen looting a transport ship?”


Anderson held up the communicator: “Well, I think I might have an explanation.” Quark made a gesture that prompted him to go on: “ This communicator is Breen in design, but still slightly modified. It seems like some sort of badge which is meant for only a certain group of people.I think we're dealing with a group of rogue Breen. They use this as a way of identification. It's very much like wearing a uniform or a flag or something of that sort. It's a sign of unity or individuals for the same cause...”


At this Quark cut him short: “I understand, thank you Kevin but I think it's time we head back for the Lewis. I'll make sure the vessel will be towed in for further inspection.”


Anderson looked abashed, he knew he had gotten carried away only too keen to contribute something to the mission. He just stood there and nodded.


Lepage joined the other two at the entrance. He hadn't found anything. As he said so Muon simply nodded. She obviously hadn't expected anything else. Neither had he.


They got ready to beam back over to the Lewis after successfully finishing their away mission. At least they had been able to shed some light on what had happened here. Back on the Lewis arrangements would be made to take the transport ship along with them to Aegis for further inspection.

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It should be noted that, as we learn from DS9: In Purgatory's Shadow, the Breen don't have blood. Obviously, someone has decided to try and malign the Dominion's former allies... or perhaps you've found a unusually large puddle of Breen drool. Spit, Breen, and Rogues isn't quite as catchy, though.



Vorta Agent of the Dominion/Hundred

Edited by Semil

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