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Arrenhe tr'Khev

Home, Undecided, Home.

Home, Undecided, Home.

Arn Arrenhe tr'Khev


Back on the Talon... He wasn't certain, even after traveling to the oira and then reporting to t'Rexan whether or na he was happy about it. Luckily, he had managed to keep his nose right in the thick of things down on the planet, and knew how to give a full report. Well, full minus the doings of N'Dak when he slinked off to parts unknown to do things only he and the Elements know. He certainly hoped, assuming he didn't manage to foul their operation, that he would have his chops busted in twain for his doings. It was bad enough that he did na follow the authority of t'Aejhae, even when t'Rexan had plainly ordered in front of the entire oira crew that she was in command. Then to continually disappear and return like a bad coin, when they were supposed to be together... If it were his decision, the uppity son of a sseikea would feel the sting for months; fortunately for the deihu's son that was na the case. Though, if t'Rexan did decide to do something about it... Her imagination was na doubt darker than the young Rihan's, and from what he had heard, she wasn't shy about turning fantasy into reality in that regard. He could only hope.


As he passed through the oira, he stopped by t'Temmarr and informed her, as t'Rexan ordered, that there would be a staff meeting at eight the next morning, and then he exited the control center and rode the lift to his quarters; a room he'd spent too little time in since arriving on the Talon. He wanted to look t'Ditsy up; he'd yet to take her up on the offer to view her clothing line and play her a few tunes. However, he had a long report to write up, and then a good sleep until the next morning's shift. Na to mention he'd already had his performance of the day, singing over the comm channel. Music would have to wait; after all, he'd only had that small nap after plucking cabbages, and it was hardly sufficient rest for him to have made it this far, let alone go much further. He rose, and grabbed himself a juice from the replicator, with a stimulant added. He hoped that would be enough to get him through the report; he didn't dare take anything stronger, he was na used to such additives and they made his system go crazy.


Sitting back down, he quickly made an outline to get the report in its proper order, and then began to assemble it in its final form. Eventually, he finished up, saved the report and sent it, with encryption, to t'Rexan's terminal. Shortly thereafter, he was undressed and lying on his belly upon his bed, sleeping. Should there be an explosion or alert, it'd have to be right outside his door to even make him twitch; until he managed at least six hours, nothing was going to wake him.

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