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Arch Angel

Fields Of Gold...

Computer begin recording:...beep...: I have finished my sweep of the Reaent and directed Bravo squadron to assume a defensive position around the ship and coordinate with Alpha squadron and maintain powered down status in hope we can hold out until the bays are cleared of the debris,and structural repairs to the bay so we may land and reprovison as well as submit our flight recorders to possibly find a way to find out what,why,that Raptor appeared and began an unwarranted attack on the ship,no warning,no communication,just a cowardly attack at best,I must admit it was a masterful tactical approach,the commander of that beast must truly understand the value of surprise attack in war...no quarter given,and asking for none,however apparently he has overlooked one minor,and possibly severe task he and his crew had allowed to occur,he allowed us to survive,and that may yet prove to be his undoing,even in nature a wounded animal is at it's most dangerous potential to be an enabled and vicious combatant,fully capable of returning an assault and bringing death or harm to the hunter.


Computer...reduce fuel consumption by 25%,reduce life support power demands to lowest possible settings...::he watched as the computer automatically complied,watching the console bar graphs as they left the green band and entered the lowest spectrum point on the yellow band graph,any lower will equate to being slowly frozen...and suffocation,pressing the center stick forward a bit,engaging the aft thrusters Angel #1 moved astern of the Reaent to a position that was 180 degrees relative to their exit point from warp...applying gentle back pressure to the stick gave a momentary bow thrust in effect stopping forward momentum bringing the Confederate fighter to full stop...::.



Looking around the cockpit and through the transparent canopy at the various systems as they worked in unison to maintain a stable environment for the pilot,the computers as they sent data back and forth nano second to nano second...the engines as they were at full power down idle,enabling just the right amount of power to the necessary systems to maintain the crucial balance ...literally between life and death,he could not help but have a small grin appear ...remembering the look on V'Roys face the day he changed the standard unisex computer voice in the cockpit with a definitively female one,and sultry at that,I do prefer that voice to the standard one.


Remembering..yes,thinking of his little one on the Reaent,I had tried to visually scan and spot her as I made my hull scans outside of the forcefields...noting as I passed watching as the various crew from all depts.were making their way deck to deck,I know looking for our injured ,or lost crewmen,making repairs as they went by the engineering staff, I am in hopes,and in prayer she survived..we have not really been afforded the opportunity to get together regularly since her transfer to us,I remember her smile,her little chuckle and her impish,and impatient nature as well...my thoughts have been reaching out for her,I need to know she is ok for now at least.


The commander had relayed to Flt. Ops. our present situation,I know the crew is doing all that is within their capabilities to make a way for us to come back home,all the while working to save life and limb and throwing in just for good measure attempting to save the Reaent as well,a daunting task to be sure on all levels..::looking at the life support status bar::..well lets see,approx.30 mins.left on main support,and 30 mins.on emer.suit life support,if I lower the power output by 25% more,well guess it is going to get a bit cool in here...manually reducing the power output by the desired amount,temp.overriding the computers default settings..there that should do it,at least for a little while.


Looking at the various constellations surrounding both he and the Reaent...if the current situation were not so grave I could spend hours out here appreciating what the creator has provided for our viewing pleasure,the creator,the ancient ones...indeed my and my little ones have passed on to generations of the way things are...cosmically speaking of course in the overall larger picture of things,they relate it ,and our lives being woven together as a grand and splendorous picture,or tapestry if you will,I remember in our youth on Earth,Schawnsee and I were close,very close..like a big brother and little one,or sister..both of our parents,grand parents were part of the council,we did have many hours and days spent in our joint teachings by both sets of family...ahhh the days we spent out in the mountainous areas,as well as the plains,walking through fields of gold,the color of the sweet grass when it has matured,looking akin to wheat...watching as the wind blew it to and fro,watching the clouds as they moved,sometimes forming shapes in the sky above us..at times we were looking for the herbs the old ones sent us for.


I have advised Bravo squadron to reset their individual systems manually,to support their individual requirements as well as conserve as much power as possible,I have taken this position at the stern in case that monstrosity of a ship appears out of warp.::feels a chill:: To what end that may prove worthy,well after careful review of my status,and that of this fighter,the best I can hope for is a warning to the Reaent,and the group,possibly squeeze off a few phaser rounds before it devours me,perhaps that may be enough.::shaking head: It must be the early indications of minor hypoxia,I cannot think like that,the crew on the ship will make a way for us to come home,there we can reload armament,fuel,oxygen,and possibly find a way between the ships data,and the close up and personal fighter sensor data we have to find a way to at least render that thing harmless,or kill it for once and all


I hope our group leader Zafira,and my friend V'Roy are faring as good,or even better than I am,not much comm.going on right now,to conserve power,well I can still reflect on the past,and hope for the future...but for now..I think I will remember,and dream of the days past as we walked through fields of Gold...Computer End Log..Beep...!

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