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Arch Angel

"Nature of The Beast"

Personal Log:Angelis,John,A.,Lt.Jg.

Computer begin recording:...Beep

Taking a break in the longue after debriefing from the last mission waiting for his

pilots to join up does have a distinct advantage,one may acquire their beverage of choice

before the crowd gathers,we had been dispatched to intercept an antique federation ship

known as the Richmond,apparently it had been repaired by someone and set about the task of attacking the Reaent ,that was probably the dumbest event I have been enabled to witness ,the ship had been altered a bit,.granted.,however it still remains in my opinion likened to an ant attacking a great white shark.


We had taken both fighter groups out in expectation of a pitted battle,it did power up

main weapons array,and smaller craft from the planet did come along side her adding to

perception they were in fact readying for combat,we were instructed to fall back and take

a point of observation,and defense between the vessel and the Reaent..we complied,then

quickly as they had powered up,the Richmond began to power down their weapons was

this some kind of ploy to take us off guard,well if so they have no idea what kind of grief we can rain down upon them, more than they could possibly envision.


At any rate we were then ordered to begin withdrawing from the field..slowly,one or two

fighters at the time,the other ships that had joined the Richmond broke from formation

and headed back to the planet,the fighter squadron "A"was ordered to follow,at a long

distance so as not to possibly encourage a confrontation,and was doing so when their

squadron had received the recall order as well,I know my friend and fellow pilot all to

well...it in all probability made no logic to him,totally illogical from a tactical point of

view,he paused to sip from his tall neat scotch,ah...best 100 year old scotch in this

part of the quadrant...::snickering:: I can just see V'roy now,well he and Alpha squadron

should be about finished by now,think I will pour him a drink,and one for Zafira as well

they as myself will need one when they get here...I just know the nature of the beast.

Computer...End Log:....Beep!

Edited by Arch Angel

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