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Col. C.E. Harper

USS Agincourt Simlog

August 5, 2397: The Agincourt has brought aboard a capsule that appeared from a small wormhole in a strange sector of space. Upon examination, the capsule was identified as originating from the Internation Space Ship Athena, a colony ship launched in 2057. It contained one woman, in stasis, but power was failing. The science team was forced to revive her, whereupon the shock of discovering herself on a starship among aliens in the future promptly caused a more natural unconciousness.


TBS: 50 minutes


WotW: Bonaventure


"Head down to the cargo bay. we just brought a "Thing" on board. Several teams will be checking it out. I want you both to keep personnel to minimum. Only cleared teams and the command staff are to come and go from that bay." -- JoNs


"Get to work on opening that thing."

"The being will die if opened." -- Kroells, Shadow


"She's got some minor injuries. A couple broken ribs, minor smoke inhalation....almost looks like she was in a battle."

"Looks more like damage sustained during an emergency evac." -- Kroells, Merril


"ISS Athena, Colony ship that left Earth in late 2057 bound for Beta Coronus. Ship never arrived. Debris found by second ship indicating the Athena was destroyed with all hands. Crew and colonists numbered 5,498." -- Day


"2057... what's it doing out HERE?"

"Wormhole through time?"

"Is that possible? Wait, never mind. Weird is what we do..." -- Harper, Merril


"Col, if the date is correct, the term 'starship' would not be used for another few decades either."


"Thanks, Hair." -- Rieve, Guest, Harper


"She's from a different time, where humans didn't know aliens like you or me even existed." -- Kairi


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