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Cptn Corizon


Throb. Throb. Corizon’s head continued to pound in synch with the turbolift as it made its way towards the astrometics lab. He knew he should probably have headed to his quarters for some rest, the mess for nourishment, or the holodeck for some much deserved relaxation—or even the gym for calisthenics; that wasn’t his way.


Burring himself in his work was his way. After all he an entire war to plan—the liberation of the wormhole now took precedence over everything, even his own health.


The doors opened and the lankish Dameon began to make his way towards the astrometrics lab. What was that? His nostrils flared slightly as his ears raised to attention. That scent—Caitian—male…and…female. He shook his head. He’d served with their species before and found them to be admirable officers, but it took him a while to get used to their…feline…smell.


Lowering his ears, he headed forward down the corridor. The crew wore their apprehension and exhaustion on their faces as they passed him on their way to and from duty shifts.


Unfortunately, there would be little time to rest. Work on getting the Excalibur the rest of the Federation fleet ready for the battle he knew was coming would be exhausting and they’d need every last man they could get working on the project.


0400 and he was already at work. He had a busy day: meetings with all the dept heads, another with Sorehl, a subspace conference with the Romulan Admiral, and another with Semil. At least by the time the day was done they’d be back in the safety of the Avalon system.

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