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Cptn Corizon

Kaptain's Konversations

Everything had happened so fast. A chain of events set in motion, like dominos falling upon one after another. A damaged ship and an injured Captain, Corizon sighed to himself as he made his way to turbo lift.


The doctors had told him to rest, but that wasn’t happening. He had to be on his guard, as did the entire ship. In a period of less than twenty-four hours they’d been attacked—in some form—by both a Al-Ucardian hunting party and a Scorpiad warship. Whatever these Ghosts were, the Scorpiads were interested in them.


As the doors opened on the turbo lift, Corizon was more than a little surprised to see Zie standing, waiting for him to enter. Quirking both ears, Corizon entered looking directly at his fellow passenger. “Do I want to know how you’re here, instead of under guard?”


“What makes you think I was ever here,” her voice creepily synthetic, “Captain?”


Holograms. Lovely. “I take it you want to talk to me in private?”


“You’re perceptive,” she said with a smile.


Corizon entered and allowed the lift doors to close. “Bridge.”


“This may take longer than that Captain.”


“Halt lift.” Corizon’s voice was tinged with annoyance. If they were trying to win him over, they were failing miserably. “Make it quick.”


Zie lifted a brow. “I do not understand why you are perturbed. We have offered nothing but an open hand.”


“And captured my away team, bypassed our security network…and for all I know, called those eight-legged idiots here.”


“And why would we do that?”


“Hell if I know,” Corizon said rakingly. “Perhaps this is all a carefully set trap to infiltrate the Alpha Quadrant allies.”


That’s the Corizon I remember. A hand touched his neck. It was cold and scaly. You know you can’t trust them. You should go down there and destroy that case or whatever it was they were hiding in.


Corizon blinked. The voice was all too familiar and it visibly shook him.


Sensing the mild confusion, Zie lowered her voice. “Is everything all right Captain?”


Ignoring the soft caress at his neck, “Yes…”


“As I was saying Captain,” Zie continued, unsure to the state of Corizon’s mind, “we’ve given you no reason not trust us.”


They haven’t given you any reason to trust them either.


“You haven’t given us any reason to trust you either.”




“How may we earn your trust then?”


That’s a good question. The hand upon the nape of his neck lifted. Standing to left of Zie Corizon saw the face he’d prayed not to see. A show of good faith perhaps? But we all know what faith is worth these days. Don’t we Captain?


“That’s a good question,” he said trying to avoid acknowledging the other person in the lift. “Tell me what your intentions are.”




Sometime later Corizon exited the lift, alone, onto the bridge. Standing near the center seat, his eyes made contact with Zie again.


Smiling slightly, she looked to the Captain.


“We’ll set course for Camelot as soon as possible.”

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