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"Reactive Protective Measures"


USS Excalibur NCC-2004B

“Reactive Protective Measures”


Lieutenant Junior Grade JoNs and Ensign Doug had escorted the Shallia augment representative to the VIP deck suite and now found themselves waiting in the main security offices for the remainder of the security line officers to arrive. Left Ear sipped at her tea and attempted to mentally log everything she had sensed and witnessed security wise for the past forty five minutes or so.


Provisional Ensign Victria had been charged by acting chief Segami with getting a being by the name of J’Ai to the brig, located down the corridor from the offices. Left Ear was a bit unsure of that whole situation, but there was a definite tension between the female Al Ucard and the male Trill over the question of J’Ai. Apparently, Segami did not entirely trust him due to some past dealings and possible infractions, and the attitude the chief exuded seemed to tick Victria off to no end.


The Caitian honestly did not know either of the security officers very well, and that was not helping her outlook toward them. If this tension among the two was constant, could the Cait really trust either of them to have her back? The whole situation gave new meaning to the term “tension in the workplace”.


Then, there was the Shallia ambassador, or representative, or whatever you wished to call them. These cybernetic beings had the capability to interface with computer systems. Why had the representative been allowed on the ship in the first place if there could be such a security breach? What did they have to offer of any value to the Excalibur?


And then, you had the Scorpiads who were highly hostile, period.


JoNs rubbed a paw over her face. The report she had pulled up on the vacant desk console, or rather, tried to pull up on the console during her mental musings did not do anything for her forming ulcer. It was a first contact preliminary brief regarding these Ghosts filed by the Fleet ambassadorial contact on the Excal. The information was encrypted for command level only.


She backed out of the encrypted logs entry screen using a few choice system commands, and then entered the log out commands into the console. She left her log on ID on the browser records; if someone had an issue with her trying to access the data encryptions, they would know where to find her.


After the Cait was finished with her uber hacking, she turned her attention to the newest member of Excal security. “Ensign, I will return shortly. Mind the fort as you humans say please.” With a swish of the tail and an encouraging wink, she exited the offices.


The Caitian lieutenant quickly made her way to the junior crew quarters deck. She palmed open the doors to her quarters, and entered, leaving the lighting on the low setting. Making no sound, she moved to the small desk area.


Reaching into one of the desk drawers, she withdrew a small locked container. The container opened obediently after she entered the access commands. Inside lay a small type one phaser, a cannibalized version of the regular Fleet model. In practical terms, it was akin to the personal Derringer-type weapons employed long ago during the ancient Earth west, or the small, “urban” Disrupters employed at one time on the post industrial Klingon home world.


Honestly, the Caitian could count on one paw the few times during her career she had worn the thing concealed while on duty. The fact of the matter was that the only reason the weapon had made it to the Excal along with her was because she had been wearing it during the destruction of Aegis. “Something” had made her equip it that morning. JoNs checked the charge and adjusted the setting to medium stun, before carefully laying the weapon on the desk. She then removed the false bottom of the container, exposing the hidden holster rig beneath. She pushed up her uniform jacket sleeve, and then began adjusting the plain black straps of the rig, securing it firmly to her forearm. The last step was to secure the type one phaser.


She tested the pressure release of the holster, the phaser flying obediently into her clawed paw each time. After one final test, Left Ear was satisfied regarding the holster placement and speed of the release into her paw. The phaser’s outer coating shielded it from ships scanners, but of course it would be detected if she fired it. The disruptor capability had long been removed from it; the weapon only had a stun capability.


Re-exiting her quarters, the security lieutenant felt the reassuring weight of the hidden phaser nestled between her sleeve and the holster on her inner right forearm. She made her way quickly back to the main security offices.


Was this a bit over the edge? Absolutely. Weapons did not, and would not, ever solve all of the problems of the universe. And in the case of a security officer, they just happened to be a tool of the trade. Although, in her case, she was breaking a few general protocols by carrying her own personal registered weapon, hence the whole reason for that “hidden” thing. However, with the myriad of inter departmental hostility running rampant, augmented guests of unknown intent, large bugs, and general chaos…Left Ear JoNs now felt a bit more secure in case of any “surprises.”


Mental note: avoid shooting self in foot.

Edited by Kansas_Jones

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