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Second Chances

0100. A regular old witching hour. Not many people were out in the halls at this time. Jamie wouldn't have either, but Odile loved to create paperwork for him. He paused for a moment, realizing he was on Kairi's deck. She might still be up, recent work had taken any chance of them to see each other after their little scene in the labs. He made a quick walk over to her door and chimed.


Kairi was just slipping her nightie on when the door chimed. "I'm coming!" she yelled as she almost tripped on something, trying to quicken her change. When she finally finished changing, she made her way to the door, openning it. Kairi almost began laughing when she realized it was Jamie. Amnesiac or not, he always seemed to pick his moments for showing up. Maybe she'd have to scan her room later for cameras or other devices. "Hi," she said smiling to him.


He shifted uncomfortably, afraid he had awaken her, but then...what was the amused look on her face for? "Uh...did I wake you, or interupt...?"


She giggled at his awkwardness. This may be something she had to get used to. She placed a hand on his to reassure him. "No, I was just changing. What brings you here?"


He looked down to his dishevled uniform with a tinge of embarrassment. He looked like a man who just got off a sixteen hour shift. "Oh uh, I just got off duty, and I realized I was on your deck...so I thought I'd uh...drop in, see how you are."


She bit her bottom lip gently, as she looked to him. Giving a little tug on his arm, she took a step back. "You can come in if you want." She looked down at her silk nightie, a little embarassed for some reason. "I wasn't going to bed yet, despite my looks."


He tried to resist it, he really tried, honest. But his brow rose at her last comment, as he followed her in. "So uh...how was your day?"


"It was good," Kairi said as she led Jamie to a seat. She then sat across from him, crossing her legs. "We managed to get most of the minor repairs complete today."


He nodded. "Thats good. None of us can really function without you. You uh...guys down there. In engineering. Yeah..."


She laughed at his comment. This was definately going to take some getting used to. It was like talking to a complete opposite of the "old" Jamie, but it wasn't a bad thing. She tried to help him out by changing the subject. "So how was you're day?"


He sighed, shrugging his sore shoulders, sitting at a desk all day filling forms took its toll. "Tiring. Theres nothing like coming back to the job to find a mountain of paperwork on your knife carved desk."


"Oh you poor thing. Maybe this will help you." Kairi got up and walked behind him. Added a slight bit of pressure, she began to massage his shoulders. "How are you adjusting to...well...her?"


He settled in, her fingers working magic on him. "Apparently Old Jamie..." He paused for a moment. Was that was he was calling himself? He really needed to think of something catchier. "Anyways, I guess we hated each other, but now...I don't think its so bad. It's actually kind of amusing when its not directed at me. I think she just likes to be infamous."


She smiled as she continued to rub, occaisionally working the back of his neck too. "She does have her way with people."


He smirked, thinking of just the few occaisions he's been exposed to her. Some of his staff threated writings of books. "Shes...unique. I have to give her that much."


"Yes she is, I guess that's just part of the...charm." She probably could have used a whole variety of words there. "Anyways, I'm glad you're adjusting well."


"It's not so bad. Although the conversations that begin with 'Remember the time...' are getting annoying. Besides, I can handle one bucky assistant. How are things with you and Javin?


Kairi paused for a moment in her massage, but quickly resumed. "Javin? Oh, everything in engineering is just fine. There's really nothing of interest going on."


He noted the pause as the final piece in the puzzle. "You know, back at the hotel...you said you knew I was lying. I'm getting that same impression from you right now. I saw that awkward little moment before we left. Whats wrong?"


This was it. There was no escape. She had managed to avoid it before, but Jamie wasn't going to let it go. She stopped the massage abruptly and sighed. How was she going to do this? Kairi came back around to face him. She got down on her knees, taking both of his hands. It was time to tell him. Tears welled up in her eyes, as she dropped her head down on his knees, unable to look him in the eye. "The other day...." she paused, trying to find the strength. Looking back up to him, the tears fell. "The other day, I...I slept with Javin..." She dropped her head again, as she visibly began to cry. "I'm so sorry..."


He was suicidal. She slept around. The marriage counseling would cost latinum the size of asteroids. Odd thing for the first thing to pop into his head, but then again, he was technically brain damaged. "I...uh...huh."


She looked up at him, her eyes turning a bit red from the crying. "Please...say something...anything..."


His thought processing had slowed to a crawl. It was a fifty car pile up on a major interstate highway. "I...uh...why?"


"I...I don't know, honestly. We were just having dinner, it wasn't even planned." She turned away, completely ashamed of herself. "The next thing I know, we're waking up together in a hotel room."


His fists clenched with an anger he didn't know he had...or had forgotten. "What, did he get you drunk!?"


She was stunned by the sudden anger, but tried to calm him down by placing a hand on his fist. "N...no..It wasn't his fault. I swear it. When we ate, we had this exotic fruit for dessert. We suspect it has something to do with it, but I tried to go back to the restaurant to talk with the waiter, but he was gone." Kairi looked him in the eyes, as sincere as she possibly could. "Accident or not, it happened. I can't do anything to change that. I wish I could." She lowered her head again. "You needed to know. I...I'm sorry for trying to hide it."


His hands loosened as the accident cleared up. "Wait...I'm confused. Aphrodisiac fruit?"


She slowly nodded. "That's what we think. Believe me, Javin and I are friends, nothing more. Neither of us would willingly do this."


His expression changed now, of one to almost amusement. "So...you're not hot for him. Some wacky waiter apparently slipped you sex drugs, which produced passionate, unwanted sex by said drugs?"


She looked up at him confused, as a tear fell down her face. Was he joking around?


He knew it was good not to go so far as to laugh. He gently lifted her chin with his finger, a sincere look on his face. "If that's true, why are you fretting so much? It was unwilling, and from the way I've heard these sorts of things go, unrememberable sex. And here you worried me, thinking you were having like...an actual affair or something."


She sniffled, as she wiped her eyes. "I...I'm sorry."


He pulled her up, hugging her in an almost santa like fashion as he set her down on his lap. "Don't be. I'm sure weirder things have happened on a shoreleave then this."


"I suppose so..." She rested her head on his shoulder. She sat there for a while, taking in his warmth, finally calming down. After some time, Kairi looked over at the chronometer on the wall. "It's getting late. I'm probably keeping you up."


He smiled at her. "You're sweet, but I slept enough in sickbay. I've been almost insomniatic since I woke."


She looked him in the eyes. Somethings about him haven't changed. She got up, and pulled him out of the chair. "Still, we both have a big day tommorrow. Come on, I'll walk you out."


He smirked, he almost had to as he followed her to the door.


She stood in the doorway smiling to him, gripping both of his hands. "I'll see you tommorrow."


He smiled back at her, feeling the softness of her skin before pulling away. "Fair enough. Goodnight."


"Night," she said as the door closed. Kairi turned, leaning her back against the door, and let out a big sigh. She then slid down, sitting on the floor. It took a moment, but soon she began crying again, long and hard. She was so close to losing everything, and it tore at her. It didn't matter if he forgave her, the fact that it almost happened was enough. She buried her head in her knees and continued to cry. It was probably good for her, and would serve as a reminer, to make sure nothing like this ever happened again.

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