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USS Republic simlog

STSF_BluRox -> Hi USS Republic, Simming Time Starts now, Where did we lose our KBear?

LtCmdrRobinson -> you are not typing in her language

STSF_KBear -> :-)

Joy -> :: points : She went that a way!

STSF_BluRox -> Ah...simming through Haiku....been awhile

LtCmdrRobinson -> sdf sjetiowut sjgdkl

DaveJohnson -> Our KBear is right here lol

STSF_KBear -> Yes and No Dave

Joy -> I can just see a parade developing. Republic following KBear's shuttle... Dave's shuttle chasing Republic....

DaveJohnson -> I am on an ambassador ship now

Joy -> Danger danger.... Diplomacy!

DaveJohnson -> An Ambassador Class ship

DaveJohnson -> Not a UN vessel

Joy -> Ah.... A classic.

LtCmdrRobinson -> where is everyone?

DaveJohnson -> Like...?

STSF_BluRox -> About 5 people just lost their connection and fell out of the room

LtCmdrRobinson -> ahh

STSF_BluRox -> i blame it on.... rogue comets

DaveJohnson -> Had that problem meself the last two weeks

Joy -> Cyberstorm.

LtCmdrRobinson -> I blame it on Jax

LtCmdrRobinson -> has to be her

LtCdrJAX -> Your the one who smells

LtCmdrRobinson -> I dont have to shower if I dont want to

STSF Seiben -> <Sorry I'm late>

LtCmdrRobinson -> you are not, yet :lol:

LtCdrJAX -> :blink:

STSF_BluRox -> STSF Seiben, you're late!

Joy -> We're still working our way through the introductory thwapps....



STSF_KBear -> WB Kwia


STSF Seiben -> <late schmate. Didn't even start yet :P >

DaveJohnson -> ::Onboard the Ambassador ship with Rebecca::

STSF Seiben -> ::at Helm::

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::is where ever he was last week::

Joy -> :: On the bridge, attempting to look innocent, trying to remember if she is guilty of anything at this point... ::

STSF_KBear -> @::entering the atmosphere of the second planet::

STSF_BluRox -> MISSION BRIEFING: While the majority of the crew was recovering from their various post holiday frivolities,

STSF_BluRox -> it has just been noticed, that Kawalas has absconded with one of our shuttle crafts!

STSF_BluRox -> filed under false pretenses. She just may make it down to cadet yet!

LtCdrJAX -> to big of word for this late

DaveJohnson -> Rebecca>::to Dave:: So where is the Republic headed anyways

Joy -> :: Note to self... not a good time to borrow a shuttle... ::

STSF_BluRox -> Rian had the bridge and just noticed she was gone. Go find her

STSF_BluRox -> Begin sim for real now

STSF_KBear -> @::entering the atmosphere of the second planet::

STSF Seiben -> ::At Helm, still. Looking for Kawalas' shuttle::

Joy -> :: On the bridge, attempting to look innocent, trying to remember if she is guilty of anything at this point. ::

LtCdrJAX -> ::enters a lift:: Bridge

DaveJohnson -> ::to Rebecca:: That's just it, their last message indicated they were going into deep space, so it may be a while before we get to them. In the meanwhile I am going to see whether we can do anything useful here. Unless you like constant relaxation ::smirks

Cdr Rian Kwai -> <m>She's stepped on my last nerve. ::frowns at the console, then speaks up a bit louder:: I want to know her trajectory. Set a course to follow her.

STSF Seiben -> Aye sir..

STSF Seiben -> I've isolated the Commander's shuttle to this system. Trying to find which planet. ::was it Commander still?::

DaveJohnson -> Rebecca>::to Dave:: You know me, early to bed, early to rise...wait that's Ben Franklin :;chuckles::

LtCdrJAX -> ::Steps off the lift and onto the bridge::

STSF Seiben -> ::Lt. Cdr?::

DaveJohnson -> ::to Rebecca:: Alright let me go and speak with the Captain'

STSF_BluRox -> ::enters the bridge:: Commander Kwai, I presume you had a quiet watch?

STSF_BluRox -> Are we ready to move onto the next area for scanning?

STSF Seiben -> Yes, sir

Joy -> :: becomes very very quiet ::

STSF_KBear -> @::flying around the planet scanning :: The Orbs have to be here they HAVe to.

Cdr Rian Kwai -> Yes, up until about 20 minutes ago. ::takes a deep breath::We have a problem.

LtCdrJAX -> ::Crosses arms and moves to the back, wanting to hear the whole story::

Cdr Rian Kwai -> Kania's gone. Signed out a shuttle for engineering test run while we were at the holiday party. Now she's not responding to hails. Hans has a course laid in.

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::in security, trying to fix whatever loophole Kawalas exploited to be able to steal a shuttle so easily::

STSF_BluRox -> Don't tell me, we forgot to fuel up at that last rest station?

Cdr Rian Kwai -> ::curls her hands into fists, her jaw tight, keeping her tone steady when what she really wants to do is scream::

DaveJohnson -> ::walks out of the guest quarters and down the hall towards a TL::

STSF Seiben -> No. We've got plenty of fuel.

STSF Seiben -> test

DaveJohnson -> ::enters a TL::

DaveJohnson -> Bridge

STSF_KBear -> @::Scanning the area completely::

LtCdrJAX -> I didn't schdule any testing to be done on the shuttles

STSF_BluRox -> WAit..run that by me again......Kania's gone?

STSF_BluRox -> What do you mean 'gone'? Where would she have went?

STSF Seiben -> :;shrugs::

Cdr Rian Kwai -> Hans, pull up the course you've tracked on the viewscreen.

STSF Seiben -> Aye sir.. on screen now. ::does so:: According to scans, she is in this system.

STSF Seiben -> I'm still trying to pinpoint her exact location

Cdr Rian Kwai -> I don't know. She signed out a shuttle under the pretense of an engineering test run withough Jax or my knowledge. She was within communication range, but not responding.

DaveJohnson -> ::hums a little tune::

STSF_BluRox -> <Magic edit so we dont' make Dave have to drag out his trip off the ship. Dave rejoined us just prior ot us leaving Cardassia prime>

STSF_KBear -> @::trying to stay out of sencors range of the planets defence systems::

LtCdrJAX -> ::Grumbles about people always taking her toys::

STSF_KBear -> @I have to find those Orbs. I know they are here.

Joy -> :: Continuing to examine the data coming back in from the probes. ::

Cdr Rian Kwai -> I'm sorry Blu. I didn't know. ::shakes her head:: There was no indication that she'd pull this. There was no reason for her to have taken out the shuttle, and I don't understand how she got it out without proper authorization.

DaveJohnson -> <<scratch all my posts thus far tonight>>

DaveJohnson -> ::strolls into Engineering::

STSF Seiben -> She still does have a high rank..

STSF_KBear -> <Sec from shuttle bay>::walks into Wills Office

DaveJohnson -> ::looks around for Jax or Bob::

STSF Seiben -> :;shrugs::

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::eyes the asec:: Loose something? Mayhaps a shuttle and our former XO?

Cdr Rian Kwai -> Are you kidding? I can't even take a shuttle out without at least three different signatures and it'd better not be for a joy ride.

STSF Seiben -> <mayhaps? lol>

STSF_KBear -> <Sec from shuttle bay>Excuse me sir. I might have a few answers for you on that

STSF Seiben -> Hmm. I see.

DaveJohnson -> Computer Locate Lt Commander Jax

STSF_KBear -> <Sec from shuttle bay>Sir She told me that she was taking the shuttle out for a test run that it had troubles on her first return trip. Before the party

LtCdrJAX -> Computer> LtCdr Jax is on the Bridge

Joy -> :: A who ride? ::

LtCmdrRobinson -> Im listening

DaveJohnson -> ::walks out of engineering and towards a TL::

STSF_KBear -> <Sec from shuttle bay>Sir Shes the XO and was at one time the CENG so I thought she was on the up and up.

DaveJohnson -> ::to self:: Things aren't ussually quiet on this ship

STSF Seiben -> test

Joy -> ( Good, Seiben )

LtCmdrRobinson -> On this ship? Nothing is on the up and up.

Cdr Rian Kwai -> Any luck pinpointing her location. ::starts muttering in Trill under her breath while she waits for Hans to respond::

DaveJohnson -> ::heads into a TL::

STSF_KBear -> <Sec from shuttle bay> I told her that was engineering s jobn but she insisted.

DaveJohnson -> Bridge

STSF Seiben -> I've isolated her to these possible planets. ::highlights the first few planets in the system::

STSF_KBear -> @::coming around the front part of the planet still just inside the atmosphere::

LtCdrJAX -> what did she go awol for?

LtCmdrRobinson -> Well now you have a job too, you get to go scrub down the M/AM injectors in the torpedo launchers, and if you are really lucky, the Admiral wont shoot you out of them. Dismissed.

STSF_KBear -> @I know they are here.

STSF Seiben -> I must say, she's really good at concealing her whereabouts

STSF_BluRox -> Alrighty, I want to find her. Has security been notified?

DaveJohnson -> ::exits the TL and strolls onto the bridge::

STSF_KBear -> <Sec from shuttle bay>yes sir

LtCdrJAX -> ::Shoots Dave a look that could kill::

STSF_KBear -> <Sec from shuttle bay>::turns and leaves to begin::

STSF Seiben -> I believe Security is aware of this.

Cdr Rian Kwai -> Yes. ::frowns:: As well as Jax.

DaveJohnson -> ::see's Jax's look he backs right into the TL::

Joy -> :: Notices Dave, gives him a quiet nod and not much of a smile. ::

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::gets up and storms off towards the bridge::

DaveJohnson -> Engineering

DaveJohnson -> ::gulps::

STSF_BluRox -> She must have had a reason, or seen soemthing from the earlier trip, pull the flight data and correlate with this system.

LtCdrJAX -> ::waves from the back::

STSF_BluRox -> Find where she is, and I want a security team on a shuttle ready to take her into custody

STSF Seiben -> Pulling data..

STSF_BluRox -> at the very least, I want the shuttle returned

STSF Seiben -> ::access the shuttle's flight logs::

Cdr Rian Kwai -> Aye sir, ::responds quietly::

STSF_KBear -> @There THERE THERE IT IS THERES What I saw I KNEW it was heere

STSF Seiben -> ::scans the system for M-Class and/or habitable planets::

LtCdrJAX -> +Johnson+ Go to the shuttle bay and see that the repairs on the shuttle were finished.. or not

STSF_KBear -> @::begins a descent towards the planet service::

DaveJohnson -> +Jax+ Yes ma'am, sorry for disturbing things, I didn't know whether you were aware I was back yet

LtCdrJAX -> +Johnson+ I know all ::Lies::

DaveJohnson -> ::redirects TL:: Shuttlebay 1

STSF_BluRox -> ACTION> Seiben picks up several very small but somewhat M-class planets and moons

STSF_BluRox -> but some, just barely m

LtCdrJAX -> Admiral, Premission to join the team to get the shuttle back

Cdr Rian Kwai -> Set course, best possible speed. Joy, can you see if you can track the shuttle's signature as we get close to the system.

STSF Seiben -> According to scans, the 2nd and 3rd planets and four of the moons are M-Classes.

STSF_KBear -> @ I know this is the right place.. That looks like the clearing i saw in the dream. The L shaped clearing.

Joy -> Aye, Commander.

STSF Seiben -> As well as the 6th ninth and eleventh planetoids

Joy -> :: Starts monitoring for warp trails or ion trails ::

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::pops up on the bridge:: Well I pinpointed our failure in this, my own security personnel.

STSF Seiben -> Course set and engaged. Warp 8

Joy -> :: Pings the missing shuttle's transponder, one more time. ::

DaveJohnson -> ::exits the TL and walks towards the shuttlebay::

STSF_KBear -> @::ping returned:::

LtCdrJAX -> ::Smirks at Will::

Joy -> I have a response from the shuttle transponder.

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::gives Jax the 'shutup' look::

Joy -> :: Forwards direction of the ping response to Seiben. ::

Cdr Rian Kwai -> ::glances over her shoulder at Will:: So who's the guilty party?

STSF_KBear -> @:: heading for that clearing::

LtCdrJAX -> (M) himself

STSF Seiben -> Got it

DaveJohnson -> ::enters the shuttlebay::

LtCmdrRobinson -> That would be the guy who is now scrubbing down the forward torpedo launcher.

DaveJohnson -> ::walks over to the shuttle that someone was working on::

STSF Seiben -> She entered the system approximately 45 minutes ago, and dropped out of warp as she passed the first planet

Cdr Rian Kwai -> Can we accidently launch him into space while he's there?

STSF_BluRox -> I am, for not locking her up after that whole Cardassian/duck incident. I should have sent h er back to New Zealand for a trial

Joy -> :: Back goes stiff ::

LtCmdrRobinson -> I warned him already of that possibility.

Cdr Rian Kwai -> You warned him? Now what fun is that?

STSF_BluRox -> it's start. Kwai, Will, I want a team ready to go return both her and that shuttle

LtCmdrRobinson -> Yes, but WHY did she take it? She's been off lately.

Joy -> :: hopes she really doesn't have to protest launching security officers into space... ::

LtCdrJAX -> ::hope Joy does::

Joy -> :: Thinks she may have the shuttle's warp trail, but with the transponder active doesn't feel this very important. ::

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::nods:: Jax, you're with me. ::heads for the lift::

STSF_KBear -> @:: lands the shuttle in the clearing and powers it down::

STSF_BluRox -> @ ACTION: As Kania makes her landing, she finds nothing particular, except perhaps a small ravine that leads towards a cave

LtCdrJAX -> ::Shruggles, follows him::

STSF_KBear -> @Now to find my way to where the orbs are.

DaveJohnson -> ::sees a repair kit right next to an open portion of the shuttle::

DaveJohnson -> Tsk Tsk...what a mess

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::waits till the lift closes:: So how many times has one of our shuttles been stolen now?

STSF Seiben -> Might as well start scanning each planet individually. Should I start with the 2nd and move my way up?

DaveJohnson -> Then again...saves me the time of getting a kit

LtCdrJAX -> +Johnson+ update on that missing shuttle, was she sea worthy?

Cdr Rian Kwai -> +Robinson+ I'm going to join you. I'll be down in the shuttle bay in a few moments.

LtCdrJAX -> I am not sure..

LtCmdrRobinson -> +kwai+ Understood Commander.

LtCdrJAX -> ::Guilty of stealing a ahuttle::

DaveJohnson -> +Jax+ Well someone made a hasty departure from their repairs they left their repair kit and a piece of it open

STSF_KBear -> @::grabs 2 phasers and opens the shuttel door, looking around::

STSF_BluRox -> ::took my own yacht::

DaveJohnson -> +Jax+ I have to take a look to see the extent of the repairs and then I can give you an estimate

LtCdrJAX -> +Johnson+ Just tell me if she could fly

Joy -> :: Looks up, not sure if she wants an invitation to this party or not. ::

Cdr Rian Kwai -> ((Didn't steal a shuttle...but did throw Cinnabuns at the crew once))

STSF Seiben -> <lol>

LtCmdrRobinson -> I have an idea I want you to help me with once we get back.

STSF Seiben -> ::Starts to scan the 2nd planet::

LtCdrJAX -> OK, I also have a project in mind when we get back

LtCmdrRobinson -> I want to install a Recall system in all of the shuttles when we get back, a seperate system that can not be over-ridden.

DaveJohnson -> +Jax+ Aye ma'am

LtCmdrRobinson -> Something the shuttle cant operate without.

LtCdrJAX -> +Johnson+ There was a repair log.. does it say anything?

STSF_BluRox -> ::rubs her temples over this:: Where's that new doctor when I need her?

LtCdrJAX -> ::Nods:: Good idea... I have been collecting spare parts to build my own still

STSF Seiben -> I'm now scanning the Northern Hemisphere...

Cdr Rian Kwai -> Keep me updated on what you guys find. ::glances at both Hans, then Joy:: If you can pinpoint her landing site, I want to know. I don't want to waste any more time than she's already wasted with this wild goose chase.

STSF Seiben -> ::nods::

Joy -> :: pings shuttle again ::

LtCmdrRobinson -> Ok, but lets build the recall systems first, then I'll write up an authorization for the still.

Cdr Rian Kwai -> Probably wisely avoiding all of us. ::calling out to Blu as she enters the lift::

LtCdrJAX -> YAay

STSF_KBear -> @::walks to the ravine and sees the cave:: This could be it. They were in a dark place.

LtCdrJAX -> the recall shouldn't be hard at all

Joy -> She hasn't turned off the transponder. Looks like she has landed.

LtCdrJAX -> ::Steps off the lift and into the shuttle bay::

LtCmdrRobinson -> It has to be good, I dont want someone to be able to just rearrange some isolinear chips and get around it

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::following along::

STSF_KBear -> ::enters the cave and turns on flashlight to begin searching::

STSF Seiben -> Might have something here that confirms that

Cdr Rian Kwai -> +Robinson+ Minus the genius who let Kania wander off....make sure we've got enough security officers. I want to drive home the point that she's in trouble up to that ridged nose of hers.

STSF Seiben -> Pretty recent too..

LtCmdrRobinson -> +kwai+ Understood.

Joy -> :: forwards current estimated coordinates of KBear's shuttle to the ready shuttle. ::

STSF_KBear -> @::jumps as a rat like creature runs in front of her::

LtCdrJAX -> <<Oooh, Kwai is mad! I think I hear buzzing>>

DaveJohnson -> ::taking a look at the repair logs and scanning::

Cdr Rian Kwai -> <m>Or enough security to keep me from throttling her.

LtCmdrRobinson -> +Security+ Alpha team to the shuttlebay immediatly for CSAR operations.

Cdr Rian Kwai -> ((ROFL...ya know, I knew someone would start the bug references.))

STSF Seiben -> +Kwai+ I'm pretty sure the Commander landed in the 2nd planet of the system. Joy has forwarded the estimated co-ordinates of the shuttle to the ready shuttle.

STSF_BluRox -> (( It is...all the buzz around the ship))

DaveJohnson -> ::see's Jax::

LtCdrJAX -> ::Sighs:: She really got herseld in a pickle this time

DaveJohnson -> ::to Jax:: Hello Lt Commander

LtCdrJAX -> *herself

DaveJohnson -> ::to Jax:: I was just about to call you on the comm with my report

LtCmdrRobinson -> Now all we gotta do is get Kwai in trouble and I can be the XO. All right!

STSF_KBear -> @:: continues walking deeper into the cave::

LtCdrJAX -> ::Turns:: What's the news

LtCdrJAX -> and Wilma, I will shoot you if that happens

Cdr Rian Kwai -> +Seiben+ Thanks Hans.

STSF_KBear -> @::shining the light around the cave ::

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::gets out his gold-plated phaser, the one especially for shooting of senior officers::

DaveJohnson -> ::to Jax:: According to the repair log, it's sea-worthy, but still needs some fine tuning

Cdr Rian Kwai -> You don't want the job, Mr Robinson. Trust me. It's a giant headache. ::entering the shuttlebay:::

LtCdrJAX -> ::Snickers and points at Will::

DaveJohnson -> ::looks at everyone entering the shuttlebay::

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::shrugs:: Dont think the Admiral would let me anyway.

DaveJohnson -> Umm...someone want to tell me what all this is about...what did I miss?

LtCdrJAX -> Dave keep an eye on things in Engineering

LtCdrJAX -> Shuttle was taken..

LtCmdrRobinson -> We're borrowing a shuttle Dave, we decided to go bowling.

LtCdrJAX -> Oh I am good at that

Cdr Rian Kwai -> +Seiben+ We'll do our best to remain in communications range. Have you or Joy been able to pick up any lifesigns?

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::steps in the shuttle:: But I sure as heck aint using the bumper lanes again, I dont care what Jax says.

Joy -> (( He's stealing a shuttle, Dave! You have to stop him somehow!!!! ))

LtCdrJAX -> I was sick of hearing you whine about loosing again

DaveJohnson -> ::to Robinson:: Umm...Lt Commander do you have authorization for that

DaveJohnson -> ::to Jax:: Or you ma'am?

LtCmdrRobinson -> Yes Dave, I have the First Officers, the Chief Engineer and the Chief of security.

LtCdrJAX -> Yeah I got the OK from the CENG

Cdr Rian Kwai -> <m>Oh Joined Gods...this is going to be a long flight. ::shakes her head::

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::sits down::

STSF Seiben -> ::Looks to Joy:: Not yet...

LtCdrJAX -> <<I feel bad for Kwai for having to be stuck with Will>>

STSF Seiben -> ::in a wuestioning tone::

DaveJohnson -> ::to Robinson:: First officers?

STSF Seiben -> questioning*

Joy -> I intend to scan for life signs as soon as we make orbit.

LtCdrJAX -> ::Sits down::

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::watches the security goons pile in:: Looks like we are good to go.

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::points at Kwai:: Yes, our first officer. XO, Number One.

DaveJohnson -> ::to Robinson:: And where is my wife, why isn't she with you?

STSF_KBear -> @::walking deeper into the cave::

STSF Seiben -> +Kwai+ We'll try to scan for lifesigns once we are in orbit, which should be within the hour.

Joy -> We should be in range of her comm badge then as well.

LtCdrJAX -> ::Yells:: Dave Engineeing! no questioning a DH

DaveJohnson -> ::to Jax:: Yes ma'am

Cdr Rian Kwai -> Mr Johnson. I would suggest you return to duty. ::scowls at him, then makes her way to her seat::

LtCmdrRobinson -> Oh, nice scowl, sir.

Cdr Rian Kwai -> One of yours, Jax?

LtCdrJAX -> ::Looks at Kwai:: Sorry ma'am

DaveJohnson -> ::to Kwai:: Yes ma'am

Cdr Rian Kwai -> It's better than the buzzing.

DaveJohnson -> ::grabs the repair kit and exits the shuttlebay::

DaveJohnson -> ::thinks something is amiss::

STSF Seiben -> ::increases speed to Warp 9::

LtCdrJAX -> ::Rolls eyes:: yes, he is... energtic

Cdr Rian Kwai -> Quit sucking up, Will. You don't want my job, trust me.

Cdr Rian Kwai -> Is that what they're calling it these days? ::straps in::

Joy -> :: Looks up as she hears the engine pitch change. ::

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::mutters:: Wasnt sucking up...

LtCdrJAX -> (w) were too

STSF Seiben -> Might help if we get there faster...

DaveJohnson -> ::enters a TL::

DaveJohnson -> Engineering

LtCmdrRobinson -> Fine, I'll be bitter and sarcastic for the rest of the trip then.

Joy -> Closing the range at this speed, we should delay shuttle launch until we make orbit... or perhaps use the transporter.

Cdr Rian Kwai -> In other words, normal?

LtCmdrRobinson -> ::looks over at his security team:: Seatbelts, kids.

DaveJohnson -> <<You threw me off Joy, I thought they were stealing the shuttle lol >>

LtCdrJAX -> ::Covers a snicker::

Joy -> We are beating the pace a shuttle could make by a good amount.

Joy -> << :D >>

STSF Seiben -> That might have to do. I'll slow us down... ::does so::

Cdr Rian Kwai -> +Seiben+ Shuttle crew ready....requesting clearance for depature.

STSF Seiben -> ::slows to warp 7::

LtCdrJAX -> ::Still smirking::

STSF Seiben -> test

LtCmdrRobinson -> (w) knock it off Jax, or Ill have to get even.

STSF_KBear -> @::hears something in the distance and quicken her pace::

DaveJohnson -> ::exits the TL and walks towards engineering::

STSF Seiben -> +Kwai+ Clearance approved. Good luck.

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() Pitter patter, lets get at her.

Cdr Rian Kwai -> We've got clearance. Let's move 'em on out.

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