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Guest TParek


T'Parek was breathing heavily for a multitude of reasons. She didn't like having to deal with the possibility that they were lost somewhere far beyond the outer reaches of space (and possibly time, given Challenger's luck) as they knew it. Wormholes usually meant trouble. They landed you somewhere where you were not expecting to be landed, often somewhen, or in some strange mirror universe where things were not as they seemed. On the other hand, the Vulcan Science Directorate had determined that the possibility of alternate universes with same-yet-different entities was impossible. And when the VSD made a pronouncement of that magnitude, it ended up being correct. Logically so -- they had been studying scientific data for centuries, and rarely were they proven wrong. Only wishful thinking in the darker realms of the psyche could possibly conjure up images of a debauched universe with Vulcan slave girls and high-tech torture devices, after all.


The crew was also starting to stress her, though she would never have admitted it. Stress implied emotional strain, and when one lacked emotions, one lacked strain arising from emotions. Clearly, they had decided to make it their business to thoroughly humiliate and ostracize their Vulcan watcher, and if they wanted to rile her to the point of frustration, that was their affair. Certainly, she would be able to repel any of their seemingly-unending complaints with a rational string of logic, and eventually they would see the light. After all, they were somewhat like children; they were in need of guidance to reach their potential, and like all young creatures, they considered themselves the authority on everything. Attention to wisdom was overturned in favor of rebellion; it was the way of all things. But eventually, T'Parek had confidence, they would begin to see the prudence in listening to T'Parek, and not being so very obstinate towards her, and then they might begin to slowly mature into a non-emotionally-handicapped species.


T'Pork indeed. The disrespect in their constant overuse of the Caitian's vocal mishap was shocking. What was one to do when faced with such... such utter disregard for common civility! Was she to be the butt of their jokes forever? With luck, not. And with more luck, something in the crazy, crooked little corner of the galaxy they had just entered would distract them.


She found herself curious as to a few literary references from the Bridge. What was this... 'Oz'? Was it something she should have been concerned about? And what were... yellow bricks to do with anything? Symbolism that she did not understand concerned her rather deeply. Running a quick scan of the library's databank, her brow furrowed. More strange references to nearly-psychedelic objects and concepts. Dangerous weather patterns. Avian simians. Verdant metropolises. Witchcraft. Melting sorceresses.


She sighed as she leaned back, watching the rainbow of color on the forward viewer. Suddenly she started to wonder if they would have been better off dealing with the Demon doggies. At least they didn't require use of silver slippers to get out of things.

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