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Cptn Corizon

Mission Brief

This Week On Excalibur


Mission Brief: The captured away team met with their "hosts" the 'Ghosts' who identified themselves as the Shallia, a race of cybernetic augments created by the Scorpiads to fight the Borg and help develop new technologies. They have offered to help fight the Scorpiads. The AT told them they'd need to speak with their superiors before accepting. The apparent leader of the Shallia offered to go with the AT back to the Excalibur to personally speak with Captain Corizon.


Meanwhile, the Excalibur crew dealt with the increasing problems being created by the Scorpiad fighter in the cargo bay, culminating with said fighter's escape from captivity. Current popular conjecture has it returning to the Scorpiad warship which appeared on sensors.


Elsewhere, the Reliant engaged an Eritan ship in hopes of finding the lost ambassadors.


Time Between Sims: 5 Minutes.

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