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Jamie Kroells

"Dain Bramage"

"Dain Bramage"


He adjusted his collar once more before the ponderance that he was actually putting effort into looking nice for this. No ocasion like having your brain scanned and dissected by the docs to look spiffy. But then again, this may be the last time, why not make it a grand facade?


Jamie pondered it. He liked things like that. Maybe he was just a man for formality. Maybe he just liked tuxedos...


Tordai had been right. Sometimes its best not to go running around the ship with head injuries. He had been back in the lab for no more then fifteen minutes when Ensign Jones accidentally elbowed him in the head. That provoked a twelve hour coma, and a no work sentence until his brain wasn't so...damaged...


He used to swing in to the labs, see how things were going, but to be honest he had no place there. He was an amnesiac officer on a ship lost on the edge of the galaxy, besides that, he wasn't that popular either.


Apparently he was a pompous ######, that and he had apparently slept with one of his subordinates before.


Upon learning that, he couldn't help but delve into his past. He poured over logs, asked those who knew him and the such. Sad thing was, the more he learned, the less he liked.


He had a flair for the over dramatic. He often forgot he was a scientist, and believed he was a gung ho marine. He had a best friend who worked in the lowest levels of the ship, and that was only because they had never met. He decided he needed to change. Well...as well as one can change from something one can't remember.


He started smiling at people, and stopped calling them stupid. He went to the holodeck, and changed his programs, which seemed to exclusively of him fighting some annoying Romulan named N'Dak. Apparently he didn't like him too much, something to do with that stab wound on his chest. He could half understand why someone would stab him.


Life became good. Well, he supposed good wasn't a proper definition. He didn't know if the previous life was bad, or if he just enjoyed being annoying. At the very least he was happy now. He hung out in the lounge, he partied, and he was liked.


By now, the quest for the old James Andrew Kroells had become a quest to forge a new one. Someone new, someone different then the tales he had heard. Kairi was the only real thing from before he'd like to remember, but even that was a secondary priority. She had told him pretty much everything they had, she was a nice girl, not bad to look at to boot. He had little doubt he could come to feel for her the way he did before.


In all the time he had been forced from duty not a single memory came back. No images, sounds, scents. Nothing was familiar. Apparently there were medical processes that could help him regain his memories, but nothing could be done with his brain in its fragile state. So for the moment he was content. Life was livable, and finding out who he was could easily be pushed on the back burner until such a time as was appropriate.


He readjusted his collar once more and then looked in the mirror, a small smile curling on his lips.


Maybe being brain damaged wasn't such a terrible thing.


At least he didn't drool uncontrollably.

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A nice calm Jamie??? Oh darn whom shall I fight with now? It will be interesting to say the least. My only question is how long will it last?

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