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Rhain tr'Khalav

"Fresh Meat"

Rhain tr’Khalav stepped off of the transporter pad, his duffel bag hanging from one shoulder. He nodded at the transporter chief gratefully and turned to the door leading out into the hallway. The door hissed open and he stepped out into a mass of teeming Rihannsu, officers and crewmen going this way and that on various errands. He could feel the hum of the ships engines through the soles of his boots, sense the efficiency of the crew. It was good, being on a starship.


He looked around. He had been on a few of these before, but he still didn’t have the layout committed to memory like he should. He had to find the security office and report in to the Daise D'heno, one El’Riov t'Aehjae and then the Enarrain. He needed to ask someone for directions. Perfect. He couldn’t ask a crewmember…That’d be rather humiliating and would probably make the crew lose all respect for him as a junior officer.


He spotted a rank insignia that was higher then his own floating by and stepped forward to intercept it, saluting respectfully. “Jolan tru, rekkhai. Perhaps you can help me. I’ve just come aboard and I need to report to El’Riov t’Aehjae. Could you possibly direct me to her office?”


The officer glanced at him."El'Riov t'Aehjae's office would be in the Main Dheno department, Erein...?" she asked, arching an eyebrow slightly.



Rhain smiled slightly, inclining his head in a small bow. "Erein Rhain tr'Khalav, rekkhai. I've just come aboard and I need to report to my immediate superior. Khlinae arhem for aur assistance."


"Fhaen, do na thank me." She nodded slightly in return. "Arrain Sar'vek t'Jhiin. I would be the Daise'Science officer. If au would follow me, I suppose I can most likely show au easier than I can give directions."


Rhain nodded again, smile spreading across his face. "I would be most greatful, rekkhai. Au know how it is when au come aboard a new starship..."






((OOC: Much thanks to Sar'vek for helping with this. :D ))

Edited by Rhain tr'Khalav

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