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Guest TParek

"The Innermost Thoughts of the Ship's Snooty Swine"









T'Parek stared down at the her comm station, blinking occasionally.




She sighed, leaning back as she cast a warning eye around the Bridge at the various assembled merry-makers who considered the Caitian's poor pronunciation of her name most humorous. Perhaps the feline was lacking in the good courtesy to properly learn the pronunciation of her superiors' names, or perhaps she lacked the higher vocal abilities to speak anything besides her own purred tongue very well, but it was no reason for the more experienced senior staff to make such an emotionally-charged issue out of it.


Setting aside her exasperation for a moment, she casted her eye to the young security officer's records, raising an eyebrow. Their pet kitty had come in off of the rather new officer exchange program that the Coalition had established. Only time would tell how that would work out -- clearly the main reason that such exchanges had worked in the past was that Vulcans had been the main participants, and everyone knew that Vulcans made work more agreeable.


T'Parek remembered first contact with the Caitians. An exotic game of basketball, a quest to find a glowing ball, with instructions written in Old High Caitian...


Fond memories, those. Turned sour, unfortunately, by the... what were they called? Dogmans?


She doubted that their present Demon-Dogs were any relatives of the Dogmans, and if they were, then maybe they would have an advantage with Kitty aboard. On the other hand, she wondered how the emotionally-handicapped feline would handle such a similarity to a species that had ravaged Cait not all that long ago.


How was Cait progressing with recovery from the attacks? It wasn't something T'Parek had thought about recently. Since the forming of the Coalition, and now the Romulan attacks, she hadn't given much consideration to their past experiences. But now and then, you had something get the old memories to resurface. Something with... lacking pronunciation of non-Caitian names.


Poor Caitian.


Poor porky.

Edited by TParek

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Nice and well written log!

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