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Guest TParek

"Bad Doggies"

Giant canines.


With fangs.


And starships.


What was the galaxy coming to if such primitive species could evolve? It wouldn't surprise her if their native language consisted of barks and whines, with the occasional growl for effect. Was she going to have to translate that sort of thing? Was she going to have to speak it? She could see herself being forced into perfecting a language where she had to bark. That'd be lovely.


The only thing that kept her from wanting to quietly find some sudden malady afflicting herself that would thereby take her off active duty was the consolation that these... Demons? Was that the name of the canines? The Demons lacked fur, or found it more proper to shave it, as far as she could tell. But thoughts of what was hidden from the angle of the viewer made her nervous. Long tails, claws... this was disturbing.


'Claws' was a definite. It explained the strange clawmarks on the consoles at their comm station. But the green blood? That still concerned her. Where did it come from? Apparently something on the Dameon ship had made a mess of its dinner stationside. Vulcan alfredo?


Something was giving her that same ill feeling that one had when they were around wet dogs -- the sense that something needed to get as far from you as possible. Quickly. Because T'Parek had a bad feeling about the fangs. And the claws. And the tails. And the dialects.

Edited by TParek

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