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This is Space: We Only Have One Dimension

“This Is Space: We Only Have One Dimension”

Lieutenant Dave Grey

December 8, 2156



Grey considered all the evidence in front of them. The array itself was not functioning. The lack of physical damage, combined with the problems surfacing in the computer code, pointed to some sort of sabotage. Which meant that whoever had done it hadn't just wanted to take the array offline . . . they had either been trying to get access to the communications network, or they had been trying to lure someone out here. . . .


Or both.


The most obvious suspects, Grey surmised, were the Romulans, since they were the current antagonist in this corner of the galaxy. But they were not the only suspects. Just because the Romulans were getting more aggressive did not mean that any other alien species was going to sit back and put their machinations on hold. The Orions, the Klingons, the Suliban—anyone could have sabotaged the array. They needed to narrow it down.


Grey glanced over at T'Parek and Westler and hoped that the computer would be back online soon. The internal sensor logs would hopefully shed more light on what had happened.


Then there was the question of this Vulcan blood . . . what was it doing here? Had the Vulcans made a trip to this array, one that wasn't in the reports sent to Challenger?


Grey mentally made a list of things to do. One, send this sample of blood back to Challenger and have sickbay analyse it. Two, get Challenger to do a detailled scan of the array. Three, review those internal sensor logs when possible. Four, have a nice, relaxing nap. Five, make a snack.


And then if he still had time before bed he'd try to get to the bottom of this.

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