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Capt Ayers


Nick sighs as he stands up. "Excuse me, Ambassador, but I have other things to tend to since we've arrived back home." He steps towards the door leading from the ready room but as he reaches he pauses and says over his shoulder "I do have one suggestion though. I suggest you look up the 20th century's Soviet Union and their practice of assigning political officers, or zampolit as they called them, to military units and naval ships,...and how well that did not work out. Good day, Ambassador."


With that he walks out onto the Bridge and says "There should be a Cardassian facility near Aegis position now. Put it on screen." Nick idly wonders to himself as to what exactly the Cardassians were giving them. All the Admiral had said was something about some type of space-dock facility.


Nick glances up at the screen as it switches to show the Cardassian facility. He frowns as he stands, saying "Magnify." The image magnifies several times to show the Cardassian facility. Nick resists the urge to swear outloud as the facility is clearly one that had been mothballed more than a short amount of time. He glances back at tactical "Scan that thing...and get Admiral Goran on the line." As he turns back to the viewscreen he thinks to himself "Never trust a Cardassian promise...."

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Nick sighs as he stands up. "Excuse me, Ambassador, but I have other things to tend to since we've arrived back home." He steps towards the door leading from the ready room but as he reaches he pauses and says over his shoulder "I do have one suggestion though. I suggest you look up the 20th century's Soviet Union and their practice of assigning political officers, or zampolit as they called them, to military units and naval ships,...and how well that did not work out. Good day, Ambassador."


Joy returned the sigh, but decided she and the captain had fenced sufficiently that day. She knew the traditional interaction between diplomatic and military personnel. Civilian control of the military. Military officers assigned as attachés and liaisons under ambassadors. Objectives and force authorizations being passed to the military, with the diplomats keeping their hands as much as possible off of how the military objectives are met. Diplomatic protocols such that the military officers are required to maintain and sustain friendly relationships between powers, and never letting their militaristic antagonisms and prejudices adversely effect diplomacy.


But the normal pattern would not hold here on Aegis. Here, officers wave weapons in the face of ambassadors and crews are kidnapped off ambassador's ships. She doubted she would see Drankum, Sidega or Dukor again. The Aegis pattern of insulting diplomatic personnel was too strong.


Which meant her own mission was likely over as well. Aegis would not become a diplomatic Hub so long as Goran and Ayers insisted on blatantly exposing their prejudices and animosities, and Ayers had just firmly stated an intent to stay the course.


Joy shook her head.

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