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Sendai Riko

In Transit

In Transit

Ens Sendai Riko


Riko stood there looking at Sargh with a finger held aloft in the intergalactic "hold on a minute" signal, preparing to look over at Random and tell her off for what he hoped would be the final time, he was interrupted.




If he were on a planet, he would say the world turned upside down. Being on a ship, however, it was more like the artificial gravity generators reversed polarity. That would have been bad enough on its own, but then he began to feel like he was being turned inside out. His vision narrowed, tunnel vision at its finest. Sargh suddenly looked as if he were a kilometer away, but Riko also felt that if he twitched his finger he could touch the addle-brained, yet sweet-natured Klingon. His skin tingled, and his organs began playing a not so angelic tune inside him.


Then, the nausea whalloped him, accompanied by a wave of dizziness. The world around him, such as he could see, blurred, and he was envoloped in a hazy realm of duality. His senses were overwhelmed with it: the cloyingly sweet smells of one universe, the musty malodorous stench of the other; bright lights and pastels, and artificial dusk and deep shades. The sounds were more similar, but the levels were amazing. Identical voices clawing over one another in different tones and attitudes, jockeying for very his limited neural bandwidth.


Suddenly, though, it stopped, and Riko wobbled where he stood as his overloaded brain struggled to process his surroundings. After what seemed an eternity according to his internal clock, his vision cleared and he took in his surroundings.

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