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Sendai Riko

Blood and Guts

Blood and Guts

Ensign Sendai Riko


OOC: There is some semi-violent imagery herin, be warned.


As Riko held K'Mar after finally getting the child to suckle from the bottle, he began to contemplate the fate of the Qel. This last trick was more than enough for even the most levelheaded of individuals to get fed up, and since his arrival in this universe, Riko had been anything but levelheaded. His frustration level with TroNoQ had finally boiled over, and the only reason he hadn't already throttle the candymaker was the child. Even as angry as he was, he couldn't just drop the child and attack.


That gave him enough time, thankfully, to think over the situation. Riko wasn't entirely certain that he would let the Qel get away with the many transgressions, and images of the pink Klingon's head flying off followed by a terrific fountain of blood wouldn't quite disappear from his mental viewscreen. However, should he decide to do something, it would be wise to wait until he was certain that he would or would not be escaping from this hell.


As he gently rocked the boy, who greedily devoured the neutrino laden formula, he thanked his eldest brother, Loran, for having a child. Riko's nephew, Reza, had been a difficult little one too, and during his last vacation he had watched the child for a while. Since he had been roped into this, and thinking of it he cursed TroNoQ for the umpteenth time since arriving here, he would do it well. He pitied K'Mar, for he was not certain of how well Kwalus would be as a mother, though looking over at her cradling her daughter he thought perhaps there wasn't much to worry about. He doubted Sargh would be a good father to the child, either, though perhaps a good friend. Though it was imperative that he didn't handle the child until it was old enough to defend itself. Riko doubted he'd be any less careless with a child than a hamster.


He smiled, though, thinking of the last hamster's demise, as he pictured the hamster morphing into a teeny tiny Qel and undergoing the same treatment. Unfortunately, he would have to invent a shrinking device to do that, and rather than that, he'd expend the energy in finding a way home. Taking a moment to shift the child, which caused another quantity of spittle to land on his uniform, he sighed. Never before had he experienced such blood-lust, and the Klingons' predilection for it used to disturb him. Ironically, it was a Klingon that caused his own. Though "Klingon" in this universe didn't mean much, and no more would he complain about the Klingons in his own universe.


As he moved over to the wall, he nearly tripped over the detritus from the candies that Kwalus had annhilated during her labor. He swore he would never touch candy again, unless it were to grab a handful of TroNoQ's lollipops so that he could shove them down his throat until the Qel exploded in a bloody mass of pink goo. How, even in this universe, they could have such an incompetent healer was entirely beyond him.


K'Mar seemed finished with the bottle, so Riko tossed it away, and inexplicably, it managed to hit TroNoQ in the back of the head. He would much rather have thrown something very pointy, though. The thought of this universe's Qel walking around with a dagger sticking out of the back of his head was quite amusing, and he was sure that even Daggerhead would see the humor in it. He chuckled as he burped the baby.


The food apparently did the trick, and K'Mar was much more docile now. Rocking him gently, Riko sang a Bajoran lullaby to the little one until he fell asleep. Looking over at Kwalus, he moved to her and gently laid the boy with her next to Leah.


"They're beautiful, Kwalus," he said before he retreated from the bed. Walking away, he somehow managed to bang into TroNoQ, causing him to drop the tray of candy he was carrying. "Oops."

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