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Mission Summary

Tonight on the Republic, Kania continued to explain her dreams to the Admiral. Once The Admiral had heard enough, she gave Kania an order to take time off. She wanted her to go to Star Fleet medical for a short time to see what might be causing these nightmares. Kania pleaded, asking not to be taken off duty.

The Admiral gave into her, but just a bit. She didn't make her leave the ship but did order her to take a full day off. She was told to report to medical to get a sleep aid to help her get some quality sleep. She was also told to take time off and spend it with her child. Kania agreed, not willingly but agreed none the less.


As Kania was allowed to leave, the Ready room the Morning shift was coming on. The Morning shift got themselves to their posts and began the days work. All of a sudden Hans saw on his montior that the Holodeck controls were back in their control. It seems as Holly was letting themhave their Holodeck back.


Jax and Will got the message also and decided to see if it was true. They went into the holodeck to check things out. So far everything looks like its back to normal.

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