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Captain Huff








Name: t’Oo

Gender: Female

Species: Rihannsu

Date of birth: 7501.24

Height: 1.67 m.

Weight: 62 kg.

Eyes: Gray.

Hair: Black.

Marital Status: Single

Physical Status: Excellent

Rank: Arrain

Current Vessel/Station: RES Talon

Position: Science




t’Oo has spent most of her career in government research labs studying criminally insane subjects. In reciprocation of her research grants, t’Oo is periodically assigned active starship duty during times of personnel shortage. Position and rank are at the discretion of the government.


t’Oo’s personal interests include creating and reading psychological profiles of the criminally insane.




0611.01: Assigned RES Talon, Assistant Science at rank of Arrain


0209.01: Returned to Research Facility


0103.22: Assigned RES Talon, Chief of Science at the rank of Erein.


9908.01: Injured on duty and returned to work at research facility.


9904.01: Assigned RES Talon, DEnar t’Saar, as Assistant Medical at the rank of Erein.


9801.31: Transported to government medical facility on ch’Rihan upon regaining consciousness.


9801.08: Injured on duty on away mission. Inhalation of gaseous toxin resulted in temporary coma.


9712.08: Promoted to rank of Arrain.


9709.15: Promoted to rank of Ne'Arrain.


9707.25: Pulled off research and assigned active duty on the RES Khellian, DEnar tr’Vahd as Assistant Medical, counselor, at the rank of Erein.

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